
What should i do im so depressed!!

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ok two days ago my mum met the guy i have been daring for the past 2 years but she doesnt know where together but she knows he likes me, after he met my mum i asked her what she thrt about him and she said he looks so strange he doesnt look normal eugh so ugly you two should just stay fiends that really hurt my feelings i have been crying all day because i love him so much and my mother will never accept him, my whole family is the same as my mum i dunno what to do i cannot afford to move out how should i go anout tellin my family i am dating him?? they will flip out please help me




  1. Tell your mum that you have been seeing him for 2 years and if your family make a fuss remind them that it is YOU dating him and not them.

  2. just tell your mum u hav let him

    go but just keep it a secret

    don't tell anone if he will be the

    only 1 for ya go for it

    follow your heart

  3. Try to show ur mom ur point of view to choosing him.if u feel he is loveliest,then it is easier for u to explain that.U can make her understand that look doesnt matter,mind is the real thing.After saying everything,if she quite convenced then You can arrange another meeting and tell ur mom this time to look at his mind,way of thinking ,his loveliest part etc.Hope so, no mother want to see her dearest girl unhappy.ALL THE BEST.

  4. Does it really matter what ANYONE thinks of him as long as you like him?  Their loss.

  5. Hi there is only one thing you can do tell your mam you have been dating him for 2 years.I bet if you had told her she would not have made rude comments.

  6. To be honest, I think it's amazing that you have not turned out as superficial as your family.

    I think that you should sit down with your mum and have a chat with her. Tell her you have feelings for this boy and that you think he is really nice regardless of how he looks. Ask her if there is a reason, beyond the way he looks, that she has a problem with him.

    If she doesn't have a reason other than his looks I would say something along the lines of "I am able to see beyond his appearance and love him for who he is"

    If she still doesn't like it, ask her if she would prefer her daughter to go out with a good looking bloke, that treated her like rubbish.

    Well done you for being able to look inside someone. If there is one bit of advice I'll give you it is that looks don't last for ever, but a good heart and human decency does.

    Your family need to get with the program and should sincerely be ashamed of themselves

    You sound like you are well balanced with your head on your shoulders

    Good luck

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