
What should i do in this horrible and embarrasing situation?

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When my friend Lauren and I were talking on the phone, she decided to give a call to my crush so it was on 3 way. His dad answered and we thought it was him so Lauren started saying stuff she shouldn't have said. My crushes dad thought I was trying to ask Jake (the crush) out so he was like "in this family we believe the guy should pursue the girl. The girl doesn't pursue the guy." And it made the situation very awkward. What should I do in this situation? I mean I don't want to stop liking him because if you like someone, you like them. They go to my church so I will have to see his dad once or twice a week, every week. And I'm definitely not switching churches!! But me and Jake are both in 8th grade and I have no idea if his dad told Jake about the call. So what should I do?




  1. Lol no need to be embarasses.

    Be straight up about it to Jake. (Although I'm sure your dad didn't say anything.)

    Thats nonesense what he said about the guy should pursue the girl, not the girl pursue the guy. We women can do whatever the h**l we want to do.

    If you see Jake, just go up to him and be like "Did your dad tell you what happened?" Or if you don't feel comfortable doing that, then just act like nothing ever happened!

    I sooo know how you feel! My best friend told my crush's ex-gf that I liked him. And they're best friends :/ Imagine the kind of cookie I'm in :/  

  2. Take it as funny experience

  3. Apologize to his dad! Than just talk to Jake like nothing happened.

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