
What should i do move?or get a car?

by  |  earlier

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I rent out a basement I have no car i dislike driving I have a chance to move to the city but my friend keeps changing the date we are supposed to find a place, I live in jersey now my family is here but i not much of a family person anyway. I have a job i can go to in the city but it pays less. I can stay here and get a car or move back to the city and have my own place were I am now i am sharing a bathroom with the family I rent and also I have no kitchen. My boyfriend also lives in jersey but him and I have not been doing so well anyway. I work with my nephew wich is nice if I stay I will be his teacher he is only one and a half now i get to see him allot now if i move I will not seem him as often.




  1. If you don't know what to do, stay put until you are sure.  Keep saving your money until you get a clearer picture of where you want to be.

  2. If you don't have to get a car, I wouldn't advise it, its alot of expense and the price of gas will rise more. Prices in the city will go up, according to a survey I saw on fox, they will be more demand there and its that hold story they are telling us about the oil, supply and demand. Better stay where you are if possible.

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