
What should i do my husbun is realy mean to my chid which is not realy his she by my 1 husbun we have a three

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year old togetther i want to go but realy afade please help i have other men in my life at his time i dont know what would be right for my child ame and where would i go hod do you start out again i have befor but it was realy hard almost everthing in this i have bought but t want to run ,,,,,,,




  1. Do you have family you can stay with?  If not, a women's shelter can help you.  Under no circumstances should any parent treat children badly even if they are your biological children.

    You probably don't want to leave because I assume he is the breadwinner (he makes the $ for the family).  You should start documenting this stuff because if you do leave you can show this evidence to the courts.

    I don't know if your husband is approachable, sounds like he won't listen to what you have to say, but this really isn't a good situation to stay in, but I would start looking for ways to leave.

    God Bless!

  2. end the relationship....why would you be with someone who is mean to your

  3. It's simple, you leave.  I don't care how hard it is, you do not tolerate someone hurting one of your children.  If you can't do that, then look for a relative who can keep the child safe.


    if he's not willing to act like family then divorce.

    it should take on his reponsiblites, and if its just that he is stressed then talk to him or let him go through therapy.

  5. Since you already have a child with this man, I'd seriously recommend not getting a divorce. Not yet, anyway.

    Instead, try to understand why your husband behaves the way he does towards his stepchild. Does your husband think this child is out of control? Is he more of a disciplinarian than you? Does your husband want you to be more strict with this child?

    And look at your child. How does he feel about his stepdad? Is he respectful towards him? Are you a lenient parent and let your child get away with things sometimes?

    If your husband thinks your child is bad, and if your child has some 'bad' tendencies, then you might want to work on correcting this. It is hard to raise someone else's child (I speak from experience) so we need as much support as possible from the child's natural parent. If your husband thinks you're too lenient with this child, then you should perhaps try to discipline a little more. If your husband feels left out because of your relationship wtih your child, then you need to make sure he feels more included and loved.

    On the other hand - if your husband is beating this child, that is abuse and you need to remove yourself and your children from the situation immediately.

    But overall - a marriage is sacred. When you are married, your relationship comes first - contrary to what anyone says. A strong marriage creates happy, secure children. So your marriage must come first. Try to make it work for your children.

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