
What should i do? need help?

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I'm married i don't wanna leave my husband i just need a short brake in my own apartment till the baby is born I'm thinking about leaving to and going to a shelter how do you think he will react am i being self?




  1. Girl, if you leave him all alone he might like it and then who knows. Why would you want to do this? Just tell him you need your space, please understand. But don't walk out on him only cause you want a break, especially if you're pregnant.

  2. Take your brake where you are not leave....just stop doing whatever it is that is annoying you. Get a relative/friend to help out around the house or whatever it takes to keep you in place. Yes, you are being selfish...possibly hormones are running ramped. Don't give in to them. Good luck with common sense.

  3. Aww..

    Congrats about the baby on the way.

    Babe,if you need you're own quality time with yourself,I  think that's okay.The reason I say this is because you can get MAD at your husband and that's not healthy for you're baby.When you're pregnant women get mood swings.And you can be the happiest person in the world one minute but the crappiest women in the world the next.I think it's also a good idea if you spend quality time with you're husband before the baby arrives because it's probably healthier for the baby.Don't go to a shelter!People will think that you're poor or something!!Believe me!!Any way I hope you find a way out of you're situation and hope you the best.And think of it on the plus're going to have a baby!!

    *Hope this helped!*

    -Marissa.C <33

  4. Go and visit family for awhile!! Your pregnant you need a break. If you don't have family go and visit a friend. Why would you go to a shelter..?

  5. I would ask him for a week or two alone in the apt. He can stay at mom's or at a friends. It's only natural to need some space sometimes, best of luck !

  6. Stay with family or friends.  DO NOT LEAVE HIM!!  You are very emotional right now and not always thinking clearly.  It's normal to want to be on your own, but you need him later.  He'll understand and support you better if you explain it to him and stay in a safe environment vs. your own dwelling.  That smells of 'drastic measures'?  

  7. If you feel you need to protect your child, or you need to protect your mind then leave honey. I am not one who ever says run from your marriage but whatever else is going on there, that makes you think this extreme, must mean run, trust your instincts....Go and heal from afar!

  8. Is there something else that is bothering you?

    If not, tell your husband the reason why your leaving. If he's still your husband and you guys are expecting a child then he shouldn't have a problem with it. I think at first he's reaction but be surprised. But, maybe you can take a break for awhile but leave in 2 weeks or so before you due and go back. Because if this is your first child, he's going to want to be there every step of the way!

  9. Wow, that's pretty extreme. I don't think he will like that very much, although I think there may be something else going on with you guys.

  10. Yeah.......if you are thinking about a shelter there must be something bad to make you want to leave.  Hey it is hard to leave when you love some one, but if you are pregnant thing about the situation that makes you want to leave and think about the baby.  You need to put the baby's intrest first before the husband so that means you since your baby is still in the womb.  

  11. We all get a little crazy while being pregnant. It's the hormones talking. Give it a minute. It will die down. Good luck mommy!

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