
What should i do next time someone stares at me? O-o

by  |  earlier

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im a girl, but i dress like a boy mostly and have short hair....but i still wear makeup for fun

i was at the movies..just standing there minding my own buiseness outside of the theater..and this little boy (7 maybe) came up to me and started staring at me! so i was like "umm hi" and he didnt say anything and kinda left..then he came back and stared at me while walking by

this happens a lot..mostly by kids cause they have NO manners whatsoever!

like kids with parents walking behind me..keep turning around to look at me

so what should i do next time..serious advice, or something comical is cool with me :)

(dont say change how i look)--i dont change for society i just want some kinda thing to say to the rude people who stare at not fugly or anything haha i think the makeup confused them idk




  1. Well thats good you don't wanna change the way you look, so next time someone stares at you say "hey yuh got something on your face, you should get that" lOl idk im random but yeah don't worry about it let them stare, No matter how annoying it probably is just let them stare. & or say something, anything. Sorry if i wasn't any help

  2. there are many options:

    you can 1: act like a supermodel and pretend you don't notice them.

    2: stare at them with bugs eyes straight in the face. (if its a little kid they will run away.)

    3: if its a s**y guy, chose option 1 or wink at them.

    4: Run away and act like a fool (haha my option)

    5: Give them a paranoid sideways glance to say "ya i saw you watching me" and then they will be embarassed and stop

    6: say: I don't appreciate you looking at me in that manner. And then they think you will report them for sexually assulting you and stop.

  3. Stare back

  4. maybe it's the Short hair I don't know but don't mind little kids.

  5. You don't say how old you are.  But when it comes to kids it may not be rudeness.  Kids are learning what is normal in their life, and you are different.  You being different is not a bad thing, and  their parents should have taught them not to stair.  

    As for what to say, ignore them when you can.  Just say hi, and show you are a nice person.  If their parents are around say hi to them.  Show you are mature, and intelligent.  

  6. oh, no no.

    this is not anywhere as bad as what happened to me. I was working in a supermarket, like an afterschool job, and at that point i had long hair, and we were made to tie it back. And yes, im freakishly tall and whatnot. And this mother comes through my checkout with her daughter, and her daughter says to her mom

    "mommy, is that a boy or a girl?" (now i was teased about this at school when i was a kid, and i was horrified)

    so anyways, i thought, well, at least the mother will say something like "oh, thats not nice to say that" or something. I know i would.

    But no! her mom says "why don't you ask?"

    so here i am, serving this wretched woman and her 5 year old kid is asking about my gender.

    I swear, if that happened to me now i would have thought up somethign real nasty to say back. I didn't mind that the kid was confused. But the reaction of the mother could have been a lot more polite.

    But now, i don't give a d**n. Short hair is way more rad. And i kinda enjoy how people cant really tell the difference... haha

  7. say " ya i know im s**y babe..keep starin"

    or like say " ya im the one you saw in the porno " and then their parents will be like you watch WHAT thomas?!

  8. be yourself, let the people do their job..

    I think you shouldn't care..

  9. you stare back until they turn away or wave at the person like its your long lost friend you havent seen for a decade

  10. If someone stares at me, I smile and wave, keeping direct eye contact. If that doesn't stop the staring, I will start a conversation with whomever I'm with about the person staring. For example, "That girl keeps staring at me. Do you think she knows me?" The point is not to be nasty or mean, but to draw the starers attention to their own rude behavior.

  11. Tell them to shove their eyes up their *** and mind there own business.

  12. Stare back! It's clear that you have confidence in how you look, so show it. It'll spook the little kids, which is fun too and may just teach them some respect.

  13. Make eye contact and they will probably look away.

  14. idk hun that happened to my friend when we went to warped tour kind of. we were walking in and someone goes " was that a guy?" shes like omg did they seriously ask that? haha because if you actually look at her face she definetly looks like a girl. and she has b***s hahah. but sorry i dont know what to tell youu.

  15. haha. kids stare at me all the time (my hair is weird o.O Oh yea, and i'm tall!)

    ignore em. If you were 7 & saw a "boy" in makeup, wouldn't you be a little confused (i would've been.. now it's more or less normal)

  16. stare back. it will make them feel inferior and they will stop.  

  17. Sounds to me like you enjoy being stared at.  No big deal. It's a free country you do your thing, and let others do theirs.

    Only suggestion I can give is stare them down, or just ignore them.

  18. you could pick your nose or keep a pocket notebook in your pocket and pretend to observe them when people stare. That should defuse things

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