
What should i do now? Girls or Guys answer..

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I'm not sure if I'm pregnant or not. I'm very nervous because I have a lot of things going through my head. Me and my boyfriend were fooling around about 3 weeks ago and i got his s***n on my hand. I didn't get home until about a half an hour to 45 minutes later. He had fingered me really hard so obviously i looked down there to see if there was any blood witch there was when i realized that i had his dry s***n on my hand! I freaked out and now I'm very worried that I'm pregnant. The s***n was dry and it had been a little while since i had gotten it on my hand but my b***s are really sore now. Its been about 3 weeks and I'm supposed to get my period REALLY soon. I'm seriously stressing about this. I could get my period anytime and I'm also wondering if me stressing out about all of this can make me have a late period please help me. and put me at rest on this issue. =[.




  1. Sperm dies pretty fast when in contact with air, you shouldnt be in trouble...

  2. I don't think you're pregnant.

    If there was no wet s***n going inside you then the chance of you being pregnant is VERY slim.  

    Your period is coming.  Your b***s are sore, and yes stress can delay your period.  Once mine was delayed for a week due to stress.  

  3. ha sucks for u ur pregnant...

  4. it could be all in your head

    it probably is actually.

    stressing won't cause you to have a late period

    but sometimes it just comes later than usual

    i wouldn't stress about it.


  5. maybe your b***s are sore bcuz ur period is coming

  6. I really don't think you are if that's all that you did, maybe this is a sign though to not be doing stuff like that until you are more ready to take on the responsibilities of having another life to care for.

  7. i dont think your pregnant, just dont stress about it. you can stress if you miss your period. just wait until after your period time. take a pregnancy test too.

  8. Don't stress out too much. I know how worrying it can be to think that you might be pregnant. I can't guarantee anything at this point. But if your period is late for more than 2 weeks, see a doctor FOR SURE. Or if your worried, see a doctor now, and ask for a pregnancy test. However, it may not be accurate until you are more than a month pregnant. I hope I helped! And good luck!

  9. Man that is to0o long..

    Could you make a summary?

    Man I couldn't get through this little story of yours because it is so graphic and sick..I thought I was going to regurgitate my roast beef sandwich..ugh.

    How unlady-like of you.




  10. well, I can't really say much comforting's either you have it or you dont. :/ Just wait and see if you'll get your period soon! or you can always just buy a pregnancy test. Best of luck and take care (:  

  11. s***n cannot live outside the body, so you can relax, your not pregnant.  Is it possible that the blood was your period and not from your bf fingering you?  And yes, stress can cause your period to delay.

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