
What should i do on a 6 hour airplain flight??

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i have to go to california this summer and it is a 6 hour flight. i hate airplains so it will b complete torture. i have a iPod but i get bored of that after like a hour. i can not sleep on just doesnt work for me. what should i do??




  1. First you should learn how to spell plane.

  2. I also hate flying and can hardly sleep and feel trapped in my seat and embarrassed to move at all and I get pains in my butt from sitting and it's really horrible. I want to try a gel seat next time I fly. But I do have a neck pillow which allows me to sleep a little bit. Earplugs would also help and maybe an eye mask. But you can only sleep if you're next to a window, that's the secret because you've got to lean a little bit somewhere.

    I just do not understand why we can't lie down in little cubby holes stacked on top of each other as seen in the movie The Fifth Element. There'd be pillows and a TV at the end, and you could really sleep. If you are claustrophobic, there are some cubbies where you can face out, or everyone faces out and the TV is above or on the side or something.

  3. well. take some magazines with a bunch of pictures you can look at... maybe read an article or two. Take your mp3. They show movies there, so you can watch a movie...that 2 hours.

    Than if your old, you can get drunk (thats what i do on airplanes when i fly from LAX to London...

    Sleep... and thats about it...

  4. You can read books, magazines, listen to your ipod a while, watch the movie and music that they put on for you. If you dont like the movie that they put on you can use ur portable dvd or labtop and watch ur own movies. bring your own food and eat. Look out the window a couple of times. try going to the bathroom, try meeting and talking to someone new.

  5. Try something to actually stimulate your brain like a book of crossword puzzles.

    Go to your public library and check out a novel to read.  (Reading - what a novel idea!)

    Try carrying on a conversation for a little while with the person next to you on the plane.  Human communication is not over-rated at all and sure beats isolating yourself from humanity with an iPod.

    Brush up on your spelling.  Airplains?  Is that the oxygen that goes over flat - but fertile - grounds?

    All good ideas so try to make a wise decision.

  6. bring a magazine, maybe a coloring book? um... be creative, a laptop, movies on your ipod, etc.. you shouldnt complain, i have tto go on an airplane ride for 16 hours with a stop in between. so consider yourself lucky =D

  7. get a PSP. you will be all set.

  8. bring tree different newspapers and read them all

  9. you can get a portable dvd player and watch movies, I have a nintendo ds and that passes a lot of time for me.  You can read magazines or a book or buy a puzzle magazine, if you have a laptop you can bring some pc games or type up a blog in word and upload it when you get where you are going.  Not too much you can do in a tiny space with other people.  Maybe you will get stuck next to someone cool and you will make a new friend.

  10. sleep, watch the movie, go on the internet,

  11. sleep

  12. Try doing puzzles like suduku and word games. Bring a pillow and loads of Extra Dark Pretzels!  Yum!

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