
What should i do on an 8 hour car ride with a seven year old brother?

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were taking a car trip to LA which takes eight hours...any ideas of things to do in the car, because he gets bored really easily...a list of little things to do would be amazing, thanks!!!




  1. You should get your brother coloring books and activity books as well as a individual C.D. player to keep him occupied. (Make a mixed C.D. of his fav songs )Kids also usually fall asleep on long car rides. You can also count the # of out of state license plates or a certain type of car.Make sure you take a snack like trail mix in a plastic storage bag and boxed juice. :)

  2. you can bring some music, and books

    if you can.. maybe get a portable DVD player and get some movies to watch while on the way  

  3. We play two different game with our young son.  One is he ABC game where you have to find the letters of the alphabet, in order, on things outside the car, like signs and license plates.  The first person to get to "Z" wins.

    The second game we call the animal game.  Someone starts by saying the name of an animal, like Tiger.  Then the other team/person has to name an animal that starts with the last letter of the animals name, in this case, an R.  So Rhinoceros.   The first team now has an S so can say "snake" then the other team has an E and so on.  The animal game we've made last for a 6 hour train trip home from Boston.

    Good luck, and have a great trip!

  4. Tell your Mom to buy Benedryl, give it to him he will sleep most the time, and will not be bored. <laughs> just j/k but a lot of parents do it , with children on the plane.  

  5. read a book listen to music are a couple

  6. Things to do with paper and pen;



    3make those little cookie cutter things.

    other stuff:

    1.coloring books.

    2.pillow and blanket so he can take a nap

    3.c.d. player and c.d.'s he likes.

    4.books to read him.

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