
What should i do on my last first day of high school?

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i can't wait till my senior year it begins next week and i really need an idea of what me and my friends should do to let all the other underclassmen now the seniors are here to shine....and ain't no body taking that from us!!!




  1. Just show the freshies where to go and talk to the Jrs and Sophmores

  2. I think what you meant to say:

    What should I do on my last first day of high school?  I can't wait till my senior year.   It begins next week and I really need an idea of what my friends and I should do to let all the other underclassmen know the seniors are here to shine.  And nobody is going to take that from us!!!

    Well, first of all you must learn to write properly because you will need this skill for the rest of your life – no mater what your job is.

    Now as far as your last day in school is concerned, you do absolutely nothing.  It does not matter if you shine or not in front of your underclassmen.  They could care less if you pass, fail, get a degree, get a job, or whatever.  They are only concerned with themselves.  You are just a transient person to them and they are just transient people to you.  No matter what you really do in front of them is not going to make you “shine” in their eyes.  They just have other things to think about like learning and doing well in school.

    As for your friends, get together after high school graduation and celebrate (no drinking alcohol, no smoking pot, and do not take drugs).  Go on a road trip – go to another city.  Do something that is symbolic of coming of age and crossing over to the next stage of your life – young adulthood.  But do it in a positive way.  You know what to do.

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