
What should i do please answer my question its to easy points.?

by Guest44929  |  earlier

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i made the baseball team but I'm in the football team and i don't know if i should quit one so please help




  1. dude you'll be fine. You can play football, then go to basketball, then go to baseball. All different seasons. Fall, Winter, Spring. Relax, play all of them. It'll be over before you know it, trust me

  2. You have to learn to better manage your time then.  There is no good reason you can't play football in the fall and baseball in the spring.  You can practice baseball on weekends.

  3. sounds like youre poosin out. football is getting you into shape for baseball. usually baseball practice cant begin until february. toughen up, hit the weight room and practice baseball when you get the chances.

  4. football season is in the fall and baseball season is in the spring so i think u should be fine

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