
What should i do....please give me advice?

by Guest63920  |  earlier

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While in the Air Force my wife accused me of spousal abuse to get custody of the kids and later admitted what she had done....i was still kicked out the air force and still stayed with her for about another year....once again about a year after being kicked out she called the police on me and told them that i hit her. The cops beleived everything she was saying but didnt take me to jail because she had no marks to prove her accusations....after that point i realized that i needed to get away from her and moved 8 hours away to el paso. I met a very nice girl whose family has helped me get on my feet....well i went to go visit my children about a month ago for the second time and my wifes living conditions were horrible....i gave her money but because she wasnt working she couldnt afford to get her own place....she was living with a registered s*x offender and another ex con....i told her that i was taking the kids and when she got on her feet i would give them back to her....well about a week ago i spoke with her and she promised me she had found a job and doesnt live with the s*x offender anymore....i told her she could come and pick them up and so she did....well when she got here she started a huge fight with my girlfriend and smacked her...well my girlfriend beat her up and left her looking pretty bad....well my wife went inside her trunk and grabbed a bag that i managed to snatch from her...inside it was a pistol....i called the police on her but they said they couldnt do anything to her cuz the gun was in my possession when they arrived....(two witnesses saw the whole thing) she starts screaming out that i hit her and did the damage to her face....the police arrest both me and my girlfriend although witnesses said that my wife was the violent one and that i had not touched scared to go to court for custody cuz it seems like when a woman mentions abuse she gets her way....if im not found innocent of this i will lose my job and my life is does she get away with this. ive gone to internal affairs....nothing.....commander of the police department...nothing....its like men are just assed out....where else can i go to get there anything out there for men who are wrongfully accused of domestic vilence?




  1. to begin with.....I only read up to the part that she was living with a s*x offender...I work for a probation department and its my understanding that s*x offenders should not be around children.....not even their the local probation or parole office and get the offenders officer's is a public record to obtain their officer's name and that is all they can give you......speak to them and let them know what the conditions that your children are living in......they should immediately be removed........anyhow....has she ever had a drug problem??? has she ever been tested???? maybe she is bi-polar.......geez....I understand you pain cuz I have dealt with psycho people too.....arg....its always the innocent that get you ever called to see if she has been arrested or on probation or parole before......its public record.......hint hint....

  2. You need a really-really-really smart and powerful attorney.  

    You also need to gather all undisputeable proof of your innocence that you can.  Including witness for you.

    And - you should get real factual report on her .. like allowing your children to live with a sexual offender, living conditions, etc.   Also - if the law learns that you know - and allowed - your children to live with a sexual offender - they can hold you liable, too ... the same goes for protecting & providing for your kids.  Child welfare, in my State, will not allow children to live in a household with s*x offenders .. and .. s*x offenders are not supposed to be around children .. check this out. If you suspect anything - contact the child protection agency and report it - ask for a report of your children's situation in their home (this will be good for you) .

    Look and see if she has any records of law breaking.   If she is not a reliable person -- prove it.   This will carry weight in her word, against your word.

    In the future - do not have any dealings with her without witnesses around .. lots of them.

    Report her to the child welfare.   Tell them you are concerned for the welfare and safety of your children.   Document your request .. name, date, phone numbers, etc.

    Do your homework on your ex .. you might come up with more than you realize.

    Also - contact the Attorney General of your State - ask if they will help you.  Ask what to do.

  3. first off you still say shes your wife,but yet you have a girlfriend,you say she accused you of spousal abuse? you got kicked out but didnt say why your girlfriend beats up your wife your childrens mother,and want to know why the police didnt do anything you sound extremely controling not to mention jealous type your wife sounds like she just wants whats best for the children you had together think about your question you have your answer no domestic violence is a crime yelling in public to one another is domestic so what are you wrongfully accused of dont get it

  4. You need a very good attorney

    and a private investigator.  If you can prove she is unfit and has fits of rage it will go against her character in court (help to prove that she is a liar).  You also need pics of her living arrangements and proof of who she is staying with.  If they are s*x offenders there in the household you can copy their name and addresses straight from the computer to use as proof.    Every town has a registered s*x offender site they even show pics of the person with their offenses listed right there in black and white.  You can use that against her.  

    Good luck

  5. Lawyer, Lawyer, Lawyer!

    Doesn't the Gov. give you a nice one for a discount?

    You should ALWAYS have eye witness, and tell about the s*x offenders and with KIDS!!

    This B**** is out of her mind!

    You should try and have her take a crazy test, NO JOKE!

    *good luck*

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