
What should i do! please help and QUICK!?

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omg. tomorrow, i'm going on my first plane ride ever, and i'm 55. I am scared to death, and i am flying from vietnam to my hometown italy, so it will be a long flight. do you have any tips?? I REALLY NEED HELP OVERCOMING THIS FEAR!!




  1. go to the doctor and get lorazapam.(anti-anxiety pill)

  2. Air travel is the safest method of travel IN THE WORLD!

    dont worry those pilots know what there doin. more people die from dogs then planes a year.

  3. Don't worry!!! I love flying. I prefer sitting by the window, so i can see everything, but i'd recommend requesting an aisle seat as you can't tell as much when the plane turns corners (the only bit that makes me uneasy!). You may feel things during the flight that scare you, but don't worry! its all normal. If you get scared, look at one of the cabin crew. They fly all the time, do they look scared? no! then theres nothing to worry about. If you have an ipod or mp3 player, listen to that for the journey, close you're eyes and pretend you're on a train. If you don't have one, try and borrow one :) Flyings the safest form of transport, a lot safer than driving, you'll be fine. If you talk to one of the cabin crew, explain just how scared you are, they'll help you through it - they're used to it. every day loads of people get over their fear of flying, and tomorrow, you'll be one of them! Hope you have a good flight!

  4. how r u 55 when that pic of you is young

  5. troll.

  6. Wow, sorry. Just found it funny to think of a 55 year old saying 'omg'. No offence, it just seems like a teenager thing lol.

    Tips wise, just relax.

    If you feel yourself getting tense, just take a deep breath and relax all your muscles.

    Plane accidents are very rare.

    You'll be fine :)

  7. you're silly :).

  8. come up w/ a mantra pls.  you'll be fine, really.

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