
What should i do please help me

by  |  earlier

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Do you have to go to the doctor to be put in hospital for mental health problems or can you admit yourself? I have severe depression and i can't cope any longer, i feel the world would be better off without me. Everyone hates me, i play mind games to get people to show they care but everyone has had enough and i can't seem to stop or control my thoughts. I have very bad low self esteem but that is for a reason as i am not a nice person hence why i play mind games. This has come across as vicious but i really just wanted people to say they cared. I can't cope and for everyone it would be better if i go. Please help i have a mental health nurse but she is on holiday so i have no one. I am 24 and i haven't a clue what to do




  1. I would suggest contacting the samaritans - they will be able to put you in touch with the people who you will need to speak to.

  2. You can if you are experiencing a crisis present yourself at the nearest A & E, call NHS Direct or make an emergency appointment at the GP. I wish you better emotional health.  

  3. blah

  4. u can admit yourself

  5. Go to a doctor. Don't be afraid or embarrassed. You need the help. Please, don't kill your self, it's not worth it. Things can, and will, get better.

  6. In an emergency situation, the best way to be admitted is to go to the ER.

    You can admit yourself, yes.  

  7. i would suggest going to a local therapy center. There is always an emergency therapist there open to the public without an appointment.

    and yes, you can admit yourself.

  8. You should report your feelings to your doctor. It could be a simple thing like hormonal imbalance. But if it is mental, then he may refer you to a good counceling service. You aren't nuts yet, just a little insecure, and there is no shame in asking for help. Keep it to yourself, and go.I think you will find that people don't hate you, they just don't dwell on the situation, probable don't even think about it when you are not around. I think you are making too much of what other people think, and put words in their mouths. They probably don't care one way or the other.p.s. your mind games are transparent, and they may not respond to your attempts to prompt them causing the situation you find yourself in. Be pleasant and nice to them and you will get what you crave, or find new peopleNot every one in your age group says thing that we want to hear.

  9. Talk to a doctor or your parents.  

  10. I have faced many times like how you described it. For me, it comes and goes, but I will guarantee you that ending your life will be the worst thing you can do. Show some respect for yourself, you know that you deserve to live.

  11. i was in hospital for severe depression. if you think that you cannot cope and feel unsafe the hospital may be a good place for you, but i will warn you - it can be quite stressful. you have no privacy, there are nurses checking on you every 15 mins. also the other patients may have more severe disorders and be talking to themselves or screaming. it can be horrible, but it is somewhere to stay safe.

    if you feel that you need t be refered, you can speak to your GP. if you feel unsafe and suicidal you can go to A&E and ask to speak to the mental health liason team who can do the same as your mental health nurse and you can discuss your options.

    i hope things work out for you xx

  12. Im not a nurse or doctor... but I do care about you... you can get in touch with me for a chat if you want.

  13. the world is not better off with out you . you are so young . treat your depression . seek help . death is not the answer . everybody doesnt hate you it just seems that way to you . they prob . realy care about you. do you belive in god ? if you do pray that will help .  

  14. Go to your doctor they can help

  15. How can you say everyone hates you - you don't know everyone!  You say that you are not a nice person - who told you that???  Only a nice person would take the time to put a question here, and only a nice person would get an answer.  You are a nice person and the sooner that you realise that, the sooner you will stop playing mind games.  You don't need to prove yourself to anyone.  You are you - a good person who cares.  Your Nurse in on holiday so why don't you take a break and be on holiday too - just in your head.  Give yourself a well deserved break - take the time to spoil yourself and learn to like yourself - you really are ok!!!

  16. You can admit yourself.  It is a first step in getting help for your depression!

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