
What should i do please help????!!!???

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ok i want to play volleyball next year! but....the only time i've ever played was in gym class plus im not really in shape any advice for anything about volleyball would be greatly appreciated :D

peace and love <3




  1. Sign up with USYVL ( They won&#039;t require you to be in &quot;good shape&quot;, and will reward you for your &quot;can-do&quot; attitude.

    There will be lots of kids at different levels grouped into some 10-player teams. You can learn all fundamental skills in practice and play some real team-based games.

    They use soft Tachikara ball and play on grass court.

  2. Volleyball isnt really the type of sport that you have to be a natural athelete to compete in. It is more of a skilled type sport. I&#039;ve played with basketball type players who could jump outta the gym but couldn&#039;t spike or defend to save their life. So I say do alot of ab-work and leg workouts like squats to build explosiveness. Also, try to learn proper technique and improve your hand eye coordination. Other than that, there isnt really a whole lot to it.

  3. what grade are you in? send me and email at

  4. practice volleyball by hitting it against a wall, and as for getting in shape just run or jog every day

  5. I would suggest camps and clinics also just try to work out and get in shape andPRACTICE!(PRACTICING WITH SOMEONE BETTER THAN YOU, WILL MOST LIKELY MAKE YOU BETTER)

  6. u have time to work on volleyball before the season starts..its always good to try new things and if it doesnt work then at least u tried=)

  7. Here are a few things to start. Buy a volleyball so you can start to get more familiar with it. Have control over that Volleyball at all times. Try to hold the volleyball down in one hand, this will help your hand stretch out over the ball. Anytime you hit or serve the ball your hand should be wide open this will help you get used to that.

    Also you can learn ball control with yourself. Bump it over and over and over again to yourself. Keep going, and then incorporate setting. Do bump set bump set bump set.

  8. no worrys I didnt know how to play very well either and every body else had played in JO (junior varsity) and by the end of the season I was one of the best on the team so just sign up and go for it and if you dont like it just talk to ur coach(s) and tell them it isnt working and that would be the end Good Luck hope it helps you dont really need a trainer or practics or clinics just need to get started and i had a friend who was a little over weight who was in v ball and she did fine

  9. Practice, Practice, Practice. Do exercises to keep your legs strong if you want to be a libero, and keep your arms strong for setter or spiker. Do squats and lunges or take some dumbbells and do a couple of curls each day. Good Luck!

  10. i would say to exercise over the summer

    thats what i did and i made the volley ball team!!!! :DD

  11. Below are some tips that I give to beginners and those who need basics. Hope this will help.

    No matter how much you play, FIRST learning the basic skills and using the right forms, motion, and posture is most importanat. If you don&#039;t do this, you&#039;ll never reach your full potential. I know people who have been playing volleyball for decades but still suck because they never picked up the basic skills. Once you pick up bad moves and it becomes habitual, you&#039;re in deep trouble because it&#039;s very hard to lose them. Basically, you would always use wrong techniques to pass, set, and hit.


    1. Contact point - Put your hands and forearms together with both arms straight.

    You can use the whole forearms to pass but there&#039;s a sweet spot right above your wrists. Do not hit the ball with your wrists or fists.

    2. Posture - Bend your knees and keep your arms up making arms and thighs parallel and 90 degrees to your body. It&#039;s all about eye-hand coordination. When you keep your arms up they&#039;re closer to your eyes.

    3. Motion - Lean forward slightly standing on your forefoot when waiting for serves. This helps you react faster.

    Chase the ball, position yourself, get in to &#039;the posture,&#039; wait for the ball, and let the ball hit your forearms and bounce off.

    Don&#039;t swing or jump at the ball. You should have the arms up and ready to pass before making the contact.


    Locate the ball, position yourself facing where you&#039;re setting not the ball, and place your hands above your head. Make a triangle with your hands without touching. See the ball through the triangle making your head, the triagle, and the ball in a straight line. Push up the ball by snapping your wrists and fingers while extending your arms and legs. Most important - Hands should be up before you make the contact. Also, use all five fingers with thumbs being the most important. Don&#039;t just use the fingertips but the whole lengths of your fingers for better control.

    3. Hitting;

    When you swing your arms up to hit, place your elbow, bent about 90 degrees, above and behind your shoulder. The palm should also face away from your head. Swing and fully staighten your arm when making the contact with the ball.

    Best way to master the basic skills is to pepper and when you do this, always use the correct posture and full motion. Just pepper a lot whenever you get chance. Repetition makes perfection. Build the right techniqes into your body. Good Luck.

  12. usually gym class doesnt teach you anything about volleyball fundamentals, but it does show you how fun it is. If you know anyone on the team, practice with them. Playing with someone better, only makes you better, and plus it will give you the hands on experience you need. you can go to for weight loss plans. If you don&#039;t have any friends on the team, will give you a decent understanding on the fundamentals. But i must stress, play with someone who knows how to play. At my HS we held summer practices everyday so that we would keep in shape.

  13. You can purchase (or ask your parents to) a cheap practice volleyball,

    these are very cheap and can be used on any outside surface.

    If you have to - you can practice by yourself, with an outside wall,

    like in a carpark? area - but a backyard can do? Like against a brick

    or concrete wall, etc. If you can toss the ball into the air, and spike

    it - so that you can confidently spike the ball, that will help you a

    lot. You really need to practice with a friend or two (you don&#039;t need

    a net) - then you can dig, set and spike at each other - or simply pass

    the ball to each other.

    If your parents can afford it? Purchase the Mikasa Training series

    VUL500 volleyball which is a soft lightweight volleyball especially for

    ages 12 and under. Be sure it has the right air pressure for you - that

    you can press your thumbs at least 1/8th of inch into the volleyball.

    Too much air pressure and it will be very hard. Even with a practice

    volleyball - it should be set at this air pressure, so that it will be

    soft to use too. You should only use an expensive indoor volleyball,

    outside only on grass (and nothing else) - so that it will last many

    many years... The whole family can participate, even parents too..

    Read up about the techniques used in volleyball - there are excellent

    how to play books, in your school and local libraries, that show

    step by step photographs, and watch beachvolleyball whenever you can,

    on TV - and note how they play. They show the correct techniques all

    the time, in use.

    With lots of practice - you will get better and better in no time at all... Over any holiday period, you can show a great improvement..

  14. u could do some exercises to get u back in shape. then to get u ready for playing volleyball u could practice ur setting bumping and over hand serving or under hand serving.

    the coaches probably will have u do some drills, work on serving and probably play some practice games. is bascially to put in a spot for playing in the games.

    like if ur tall enough and is really good then they would put at a setter or a blocker depends wat is stronger for u to. also they could put at a spiker.

    good luck!!! and have fun!!

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