
What should i do????????? :(

by  |  earlier

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Im 15 and My perants have gone on holiday so im staying at my mum friends.

Last night i was in their jacuzzi and my mums friends boyfriend started touching my leg under the water .. i moved away thought nothing of it.. but this morning when i was getting changed he walked in put his hands on my hips and kissed my neck... i said " wtf get out" but he said " its just me and you tonight so we can have some fun " .... now its just me him in the house and

i really dont know what to do!!!





  1. call ur parents n tell ue parents friends OR CALL THE COPS!;...

  2. hehehehehehehehehehehe

  3. Report this to d.f.s or an adult , invite a friend to sleep over, anything to not be left alone with him. LOL

  4. Call your parents and tell them waht happened

  5. thats sexual harassment and totally inappropriate. you need to call your mom and/or your moms friend and tell them asap before anything else happens. keep your distance from the guy until you hear from your mom/moms friend. if you know anyone in town then have them stay with you. and if it really goes too far call the police.

    be safe

  6. Where is your mums friend?  Why are you alone with this man?  Obviously, you need to tell your mum's friend immediately.  This whole scenario is chaotic and sinister.  He is a molester.  You are a minor.  He should not be touching you.  Let alone, looking at you, in inappropriate ways.  

    I would think you should have called your parents or your mums' friend last night, when he touched your leg.  You response was not enought to deter him.  So, he is being persistent in his advances.  He is totally wrong.   You have done nothing wrong, except inform someone of what you have experienced thus far.  He has entered your room and violated your privacy.  He is definitely wrong for entering your room and touching you.  

    If you have not all ready done so, you need to inform your parents, immediately.  Inform an adult who is in close proximity, before this man rapes you.  Exposing him will keep you safe and out of harm's way.  Do not think that being quiet, that this will go away.  Make the call, now.

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