
What should i do since my hp company says the maxim the power supply can go is 460 watts because higher will ?

by  |  earlier

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cause damaged to the internal components but i really want the ati 4870 x2 which requires 650 watss




  1. Buy a new power supply. They're a lot less expensive than your video card and easy to install. I'd recommend a 700W, a good one goes for around $100 on newegg.

    edit: In response to the answers below mine, I think HP is saying that the power supply would be damaged by the high-demand video card trying to run off it. That much is true: if you try to draw 600 watts from a PSU rated at 460W peak, you are risking doing damage to it...and a damaged PSU *can* kill a motherboard's voltage regulator or take out a hard drive's logic board.

  2. it ill not damage anything. that is why motherboards have voltage regulators. if you upgrade make sure it hast the required amperage on the 12 volt rail to run the card.

  3. Get a UPS or a generator with a big battery

  4. if hp says it will damage it, it just means they wont be responsible about it if your warranty is still active, if you do it and it gets damaged they are not at foult science they warned you, if you have seen a technitian and he says its ok and u go ahead and do it it is ur responsibility... probably should listen to hp, they make the darn things, they must know what they are talking about

  5. Pardon my french, but that is bull****.

    You can never have 'too much power that will damage components'. They just say that so they can jip you off and make you buy a new PC.

    I would just buy a new PSU anyway, because I have never fried a system with a PSU because it has 'too much power'.

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