
What should i do so that the illness would go away till tomorrow ?

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i cough a cold...What should i do so that the illness would go away till tomorrow ?




  1. go in you fathers liquor cabinet and down a few quarts of whiskey. that aught to do the trick

  2.   Pray for relief.  Jesus is all loving and will heal all wounds.

      HA!  just kidding, if you have access to prescription cough medicine, take 5-6 hefty gulps off of that bad boy, you'll sleep for 14-18 hours.  when you wake up, all of that sleep will likely make you feel better if not 100%.  Also, grandpa's old cough medicine will make it go away temporarily (alcohol), but will likely exacerbate the problem if it is more serious  

      There is no real cure for the cold as it is a virus.  Do not take antibiotics for a cold, it will do no good and will only serve to help any existing bacteria in your system evolve to become more resilliant to medication.  Drink a lot of fluids and eat salty foods.  You can acheive this with simple chicken soup.  Protein, carbs, salt, fluids, everything you need.  It really is good stuff for colds.  Throw in some vitamin C as well to boost your immune system.

      If you go the way of the cough medicine, don't go overboard, it can have some serious side effects that I won't go into right now, but you can bet that you'll fully understand in the E.R. if you go nuts.

  3. do you want to stop your illness now, then have it come back tomorrow?

  4. take non sedating OTC antihistaminics like claritine or clarinase along with sachet of 1000mg vitamin C , drink green tea or plenty of oral fluids and lastly apply vicks vapour rub to ur chest and throat and nose. you will get up fresh  

  5. take some medicine

  6. Take something for your symtoms and get you some rest starve a cold and feed a fever

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