
What should i do? (sorry,its kinda long,but i rlly need some good advise) {10 points for best answer}?

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well my best friend Joe and i have been friends for a long time, and we started to like each other,and since hes in 9th grade,and im in 8th, we were guna start datin next year,so that we would get to see each other. but anyways,last week,he asked this other girl Ally to homecoming,and then he expected me to not get mad about that, cuz he said he was just asking her as a friend. but then he tryed to explain how much he loved and cared about me,and then he told her he was havin 2nd thoughts,so he told her he didnt wana go,and then he apologized to me,and i forgave him. then a couple days ago,we were IMing,and out of the blue,he says "scene is g*y" and then i said "im not scene" and then he goes "well you try to be" and i was like "no i dont,i may look scene,but im not". and then we just got in a big fight about that whole situation,and all i ever try to do is make him happy and feel good about himself, but then he goes and treats me like this, cuz he gets mad at every lil thing,and im sick of it. and then,he said "you know your free to date while were not datin" and then i said "yeah,i know,but im not,cuz i dont like anyone else" and then he says "well i want you to date some one,cuz i want you to be happy, cuz,ill probably find some one." and that just made me rlly ticked off. and my best friend Bayley told me that he was talkin to these other 2 girls. so what should do?? should i just give up on him and move on or what? im so confused,and im not sure if i just just tell him goodbye and not talk to him anymore, or just try to work things out?




  1. Oh no, dont try to work thing out my friend .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    With this kind of situation, go find some one and date others people. YOu know why? the guy dont value you when he knows you love him more than he loves you, and plus, they have tendency to want what they dont have. Even if you really like him and dont want him to go, just pretend opposite way, for your own good. He might want to go back with you or you will (definitely ;) ) find someone whole lot better , there re someone really made for you out there

  2. I think your feelings, although obviously very legitimate, are probably a great burden to a young girl. I can only tell you that you have opportunities when you are young that diminish as you get older. It would be an awful shame for you to stop exploring the joy of discovering new love at just 13 years old. Can you believe that the next boy you set your heart on you will be just as crazy over? Can you believe me when I promise you it'll happen?

  3. I would move on but still try to remain friends so in case something makes you want to get together in the end.  good luck!

    answer mine?;...

  4. Unfortunately you are at that age where other peoples opinions overly matter and make you who you are. But if you really want advice and are truly going to follow it. LET HIM GO AND LEAVE HIM BE. He knows what he does and he knows how it effects you. Thus it will only get worse and since he has you under his thumb it will be repetitive. If you let go, you cannot or should I say....should not go back. It will be sweet for a second and then the game will began all over again. There are so many out there that will be kind, loving, and generous, without expectation. Nevertheless, as humans we are afraid to let go of what is familiar to us even if it is unhealthy. I wish you only the best. I hope you make the right decision.

  5. work things out

  6. Sounds like a total muppet

  7. Give up on him. Just stop all contact. If he starts talking to you again, then maybe give him another chance. Just give him time to think what he has done. He prob will regret it. Good luck


  8. 4get about him 4 ur own good

  9. try not talking to him for a while. if he comes crawling back, he might be worth it.  

  10. We sometimes have people in our lives because we have something to learn. Sometimes life can be very complicated and hurtful. It might be time for you to be healthy enough put this person aside, because he causes too much pain. Find new friends! You don't need someone in your life that doesn't act as though you count! You do! But the best advise I can give, is walk away! Get involved with those to value you & most of all value and valadate your self!

  11. 4get about the d!ck, find sum1 new

  12. It's not a good idea to wait until u go to the same school so just tell him u just want to be friends again cause u guys are already fighting now that ur not going so it might be worse when u do start going out.

  13. ok well let me say this don't waste your time!! if a guy don't care about you even though he may say he do if he don't show it don't waste you time. a guy will be a guy. i think you are a very pretty young lady ad i know there is a guy out there who has a crush on you but you don't know it. don't waste your time on a guy who doest show he loves you. baby girl he isn't old enough to get a loan so wen he say he loves you and treats you like c**p and expects you not to get mad about things like that  don't waste your time!! behind every-good woman is a good man. just take it slow. slow down and live life!! don't get crazy with it(lol)  just have fun! be a child! don't rush into love and relationships just wait a little bit longer and trust me even though you don't know me and never spoke to me trust me n this one. wait and let it come to you. you will be in a lot of relationships and not all are love relationships. so just take it slow wait and don't waste your time on him... you are to smart and i bet beautiful to wait on a guy who isn't waiting on you.

  14. I really think you need to start looking at other guys...  Just fake it till you make it type of thing.  Sounds like he basically want your permission for him to go be with other girls and doesn't want to feel guilty about it.

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