
What should i do this year?

by Guest59859  |  earlier

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i'm 14.

going into 8th grade. and in 5th grade i was best friends with these triplets, who now go to the rival middle school in my district. my mom purposley let me go to the other middle school, so i could start fresh & be away from them...but in 7th grade i found out theyre friends w/ people from my school & a whole bunch of drama started and they hate my guts because of a fight that happend between me & one of them in 5TH GRADE!!!!

and the thing is,

they have like the same freakin style as me! totally the same! i know because everyone is always like "oh, kara has the same shirt" or "kayla has that bag" blah blah blah.

and i also see pics of them on myspace and they have like the same clothes as me, and all the clothes i wanted soo badly from places like hot topic, pac sun, etc. that i didnt even get yet!!

im just wearing and doing what I like. because it makes me feel comfortable but it annoys me that people are always saying they have the same shirt/shoes and everything else as me.

me & them have like everything in common. and we probably would be best friends if they would get over a silly fight from 5th grade.

what should i do?

i have a feeling people are gonna call me a fake/poser or think im copying them and stuff, what should i do if & when that happens??

the triplets are all popular & everyone loves they can easily start rumors about me & stuff.

what should i do?





  1. you've got to tell people that they are the ones copying you because theres no other thing u can do.they have to stop or talk with them and tell them everything that's bothering you before they can make any rumors about you.sooner or later people have to realize that they are the fake ones or tell them in myspace to stop it or something.

  2. I disagree with Christys answer. If you tell people they're copying you it'll make you look desperate for the attention that they're getting.The only advice i can give you is too try too talk things out with them, and if that doesn't work then try too ignore it best you can. If you show them that you're annoyed by there actions, they'll just try to do it more. Just try too ignore it, and they will eventually give up. And if they don't beat those hoes. ;D Haha, just playing. Three against one wouldn't be a fair fight. Anyways. Wear what you want. Act how you'd like. Be who you are. Just because they're popular and have more power against you doesn't mean they're better people. Be the mature one in this conflict, and just let it go. Your just as bad as they are when you brag about them wearing the same clothes as you. If you think this is bad, wait until highschool! D:

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