
What should i do to cancel my present Oman visa?

by  |  earlier

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i am a doctor working on oman for a private firm. i have given the resignation letter due to domestic reasons. they have accepted it. But now when i am exiting out of the country, they are not cancelling my visa. what shuold i do? whom should i approach?




  1. I don't understand why it would be necessary to officially cancel your visa. Countries usually only cancel your visa if you have broken their immigration laws. In other words you would have to have done something wrong and the country would normally deport you.  In fact if a country officially cancels your visa it usually means that if you ever wanted to visit or transit that country again there would be a black mark on your record stopping you doing that.

    A visa is only a document which allows you to enter a country for some purpose. For most people it is just to visit the country as a tourist. Others get a visa which allows them to study in a country or in your case to work. People don't go through any visa canceling process when they leave a country.

    Once you leave a country it is all over.  

    Are you worried because you  want might to go back to work again at some time and there is something in your contract that is causing your concern?

  2. Thats sad. You can contact any lawyers there and contact the ministry of manpower. If they dont cancel your visa you cannot come back to work to Muscat till the visa expires.

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