
What should i do to get straight A's?

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ok I'm not that bad at school, I get like mostly B's and A's also i've got like 3 C's :( . i have a few Honor classes, but i don't consider myself smart, i get intimidated by a few students in my classes. I want to get straight A's. so help me out! what should I do?




  1. You don't have to be smart to get good grades. It requires strong confidence, self-esteem, and effort. You will have to try harder, not just completing homework, but actually studying as well. What breaks most people's self-esteem is that someone who doesn't study at all getting a good grade. Use logic on this- that person is (cheating, guessing, learned it previously, etc). Most importantly, you must believe you can achieve the straight A's. Always think to yourself that these straight A's all have long-term rewards. You must always desire the good grades, dedicate time, and work hard.

    Good Luck on your 4.0!             =)

  2. Dont pressure yourself I think skoolz just for fun! your best and be organized!

  3. The best and the simple method is to say hi to all of your teachers and bye everyday or every time you meet them. Then think about all quizzes and tests SEPARATELY. If you think about them in the big and fat version, you will faint. And study all of your stuff everyday after school. Finally, do your homework neatly and perfectly. That's how I got my all A's last year.

  4. Well if you don't consider you self smart you are not going to be smart.First of all believe in your self. Don't rush on your homework, and study when you are going to have a quiz or test. Also make your work neat, and talk to your parents, and see if they will try an incentive program for you. So when you get a good grade they will reward you. :] ~ Ariel ~  

  5. tutor

  6. Why do you let those students intimidate you? I know it's hard but just ignore them. One day you'll be standing on stage receiving your diploma and they'll be sneaking in the back to watch making snide comments because they're jealous. Do not EVER let anyone bring you down or make you feel stupid. I made my first "C" ever in college this summer and was so proud because I knew I did my best.  

  7. Go in for extra help a lot. Do extra credit whenever you can. Do your homework. Study a lot. You may have to sacrifice time with your friends or in front of the TV, but that's what it might take.  

  8. I'd say you try to be more organized. You also try to listen to your teacher at all time. Do your homework more often because they count a big amount in your grade. Try to make extra credits if your allowed to (not to be a jerk or a parent or ... well you know what I mean but that is how I get straight A's).  

  9. First of all, don't let the 'smart' people intimidate you, you can be just as intelligent as they are. I get strait A's, but I'm no genius. You don't have to be brilliant to do great in school. Do your homework right when you get home if you can, and go through everything and check to make sure its done. If you don't understand something get help from a friend, teacher, or family member. And be sure to study hard for tests. I study throughout the week, then I have a megastudy session the night before, then I get up early to go over everything one more time. Good luck in school!

  10. keep track of all homework and tests and study before a new lesson is being taught so you have a heads up  

  11. Just do everything more. As in:

    Study more

    Do more extra credit

    And so on.

  12. i had the same problem as you. first off breath :) okay now i found it was easiest to bring up my grades by first of all talking to the teacher, tell them your goals for the class, explain what you struggle in, etc. Then study almost every night! i know it sounds like a lot of work but it's worth it. Complete every assignment, every grade adds up. Also if you don't understand something ask right away, the sooner you understand the better, it makes the class easier. It also helps to ask teachers about extra credit or retaking test or redoing assignments. Finally try to find someone for each of your tough classes that's good at the course that can help you out when you need it.

    Hope that helps :)

  13. Study??

  14. do the work thoroughly and some times do a little extra or ask for extra credit

  15. To get straight a's all you need to do is study hard and stay focused. also pay close attention to wen the teacher is talking, try not to daydream. also it would help to take good notes.

  16. Don't think about the A. Think about the problems presented to you each and every day. It takes much patience to sit down and study - as well as extreme focus. I still have trouble with this even today.  

  17. if ur not overly smart then u need to make up 4 it by really applying yourself and commiting yourself to your schoolwork. don't be intimidated by your other classmates, they can be really helpful if u ned help w/ your work. I'm in all advanced classes in 11th grade and i used to be able to get all A's in middle shool without really trying, but once u get into more advanced classes u will have to put effort into your schoolwork. and by making friends with the other people in ur classes u can make school a lot easier 4 yourself

  18. 1:You gotta like studying.


    3:Attend School

    4:Be happy about learning

    That's just how i get good grades

  19. Do things early

    ask questions if you have any

    and try hard.

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