
What should i do to improve my english speaking skills? Is there any special website for english tutorials?

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  1. Read a lot. Get a good grammar book. Do a Web search.

  2. Read books. All reading is a great way to learn things. Talk to smart people who are well educate. Go back to school.

  3. When I started in radio I was also cleaning a Dr.'s office everynight.  Intense labor, little to think about.  I found the following exercise and did them while I worked.  It helped my pronunciation and enunciations quite a bit.  I hope it works for you.

    Go through the alphabet with each consonat saying the consonat with each vowel sound.  i.e.:

    "B" would be: Bay, Bee, By, Bow, Bue

    "C" would be: Say, See, Sigh, So, Sue


    You'll have to adjust some of the letters and vowel sounds to include the long and short sounds.  Also include "th", "sh" and "ch".

    Do it over and over and over while you sweep and empty waste baskets or during whatever mundane tasks you do but are free to think.

    BTW - You'll sound pretty silly to the casual observer so be careful you don't get committed.

    Good luck.

  4. There are several websites offering free programs. Try using Google to find them

  5. The best way to practice is to use it.  Find someone you can speak english to, preferably someone who is a native english speaker.  And let them know specifically that you want them to correct you and that you won't take offense to it.  If it's not possible to find someone in your area, consider looking on the internet and using and headset to speak to them (through Ventrilo, TeamSpeak or some other voice program).

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