
What should i do to keep my rat active?

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I own a 2-3 year old rat. She is in god condition but lately i haven't had much time with her because of summer itry to give her alot of attention. i take her outside so she can walk around, but i need some new ideas...

do you know of anything that i can do for her?




  1. more toys

  2. well my 2 love playing with ping pong balls. wow, your rats is old. mine are only 6 months old

  3. you could get her a ball or a wheel and let her run around abit. =)

  4. Why is the poor thing alone. I'd recommend getting her a friend. She should have had a friend in the first place. Rats are too social to keep alone and do best in same s*x pairs and groups. A friend will keep her more active as they will play.

    I'd recommend getting another rat from a reputable breeder or rescue as pet store rats are often ill or, in the case of females, pregnant. Plus, you don't want to support pet stores and their mills or backyard breeders:

    Always make sure to quarantine a new rat:

    Before doing introductions slowly and on neutral ground:

  5. Have you considered getting a friend for her?  I know that's a difficult decision for a rat that age but rats are very social animals.

  6. Put her in a cage with a boa constrictor. That ought to help keep her active.

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