
What should i do to make myself feel better?

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I'm not being over dramatic when i say this , but no matter what i do or where i go i always feel like everybody is judging me.. especially when i go shopping. It feels like stuff that looks good on everyone else just looks like a joke on me. And it feels like people are always staring at me, not with funny expressions or looks of disgust, so it makes it worse because i cant tell what they're thinking. I know a lot of people are self conscious, but it seems like all of my friends and other people don't really care about impressing everybody. but i cant help it, I'm so tired of being unhappy with myself .Its like every day i have to put on a fake smile . But I'm just fooling everybody. I'm tired of my life and I'm sick of living this life. And i limit myself to going out because I'm always thinking that someone i know and doesn't particularly like me , is going to be there making fun of me. I've lost control over everything. And when somebody makes rude comments or talk about me it bothers me a lot. There was something that happened to me, and everybody was talking about it and me, and it still hasn't stopped. Everybody knows my personal business and i just want to know how i can stop caring.




  1. Google a short piece called Desiderata. Read it over and over until you feel that you have understood what it is trying to say to you. When you have done that focus. Focus on strengths not weaknesses. Focus on positivity not negativity. Focus on developing independence and self-sufficiency. I do hope you will find something in this to help you and that you will soon be feeling better. Best wishes. UK

  2. talk to eighther a close very trusted friend or a pen pal about it, it helps eigther way. check out my blog about similar things.

  3. Good question and sadly the answer is vast. If you really want to be happy, you will be, you will find the way. I found myself in the same situation a few years ago and it's taken me about 3 years to really overcome it.  I can't answer your question quickly, nobody can.  The answer lies in you and finding something inside yourself you haven't seen yet.

    I have a website which will tell you everything I know about this.  It may or may not help, I don't know but what you will find there worked for me and I believe it will work for you too.

    Hang in there, it can get better, and when you figure this out you can help other people figure it out to.

    I really wish you the best with this, trust me it gonna be fine.  

  4. People sometimes, not always, judge other people. We all have to wear clothes, so just wear clothes that are clean and tidy, without worrying about whether they are fasionable or not. When you walk around a mall you see many, many people, but you dont actually stare at them, you look past them almost all the time. I think your friends and other people do care about what others think of them, otherwise they wouldnt ask your opinions on things.

    There are times when everyone has to put on a fake smile simply because they dont want to bring other people down and make them unhappy. But they are not fooling themselves. People who don't like you are always going to make fun of you, it makes them feel better about themselves. We dont control everything or anyone. When someone makes rude comments or talk about any of us it bothers us a lot.

    It seems that you are mainly focussed on yourself, what you should try to do is think about other people more than you think about yourself and help others out more.  This will stop you from focussing on the negatives.

  5. Your story used to be my story. But no more! I did some research in this area & found myself reading about a man who had been miserable all of his life. He was profoundly unhappy & tried many avenues searching for relief. Not a mystical person, he meditated for years, hoping to bring happiness & satisfaction into his life by controlling his brain. It wasn't until he took matters into his own hands, founded a research institute that studied the brain & its functions/disfunctions, that he finally hit upon the solution. He didn't need to control his brain - he needed to find a way to balance his brain! His institute specializes in brain wave technology & has discovered the pathway to brain balance. There is no subliminal suggestion involved! This is real, cutting-edge technology that leads your brain gently into the next evolutionary change.Your brain does all the work & you enjoy all the benefits!

    Did you know that the brain can become unbalanced from outside sources as easily as an airplane can become unbalanced by a flock of birds flying into the engine? It only makes sense, then, that our brains will benefit greatly if they could just be rebalanced when they got slammed, right? This program does just that - all in the privacy of your home. The program is genius - groundbreaking - amazing!

    I am in the 3rd month & have already made great strides in regaining self-confidence, creativity, courage, happiness......on & on.Bottom line for me is:  I see everything in perspective, now. I am so aware of myself & my abilities. I am not defensive. I am receptive. I am still sensitive (this is a good thing when in balance) but not overly sensitive (this is a bad thing, causing bad emotions & makes our brains live up to our greatest fears!)

    Check out my source. They are giving away a free introductory CD, too! You can't miss out on this one - it is for real!  

  6. Stopping caring is not going to be an easy thing. But it sounds like you have bad anxiety. Try going to the doctors. They should be able to help.

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