
What should i do to my jeep before i put it in storage?

by  |  earlier

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i won't be driving it for over a year , besides pulling the battery is there anything else i should do for this longterm storage ?




  1. 4. Fog the engine with oil.

  2. Here are three further suggestions to add to disconnecting the battery.

    1. Make sure there is a proper amount of anti-freeze in your car before you put it in storage.

    2. Add some dry-gas to your gas tank (read instructions for when to add it and how much to use)

    3. Once car is in storage, jack the car up and place jackstands in proper location so that all 4 wheels are off the ground, this will prevent your tires from wearing on just 1 side, and will also take some stress off of your suspension.

    Im sure if I thought longer I could think of some other useful tips, if you need any more help feel free to message me.

    hope these ideas help out.

  3. Run the gas out of it.

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