
What should i do to my parents house while they'e gone???

by Guest44830  |  earlier

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i got in a fight with them and they went somewhere so now i want to trash their house.. what should i do to it??

ohh and dont even answers if all your gonna say is "dont do it"




  1. Never bite the hand that feeds you. Maybe it's time to grow up and listen to them.

  2. spread p**p everywhere!!! or animal p**p. any kind of p**p actually. break all the windows and anything glass, also get rid of all their clothes... OR BETTER YET!!!!! HAVE A GARAGE SALE INSIDE YOUR HOUSE, AND GET RID OF EVERYTHING FOR FREE!!!

  3. Try growing up!  It's their house, not yours.  Just be glad you have a place to live!!  I don't know how old you are, but if you are still with your parents, you are probably still in school.  If not, you need to find a place of your own or help them with household duties.  Get busy!!!

  4. You should do the opposite - clean it and then when they come home they will feel so guilty and not yell at you for awhile!

  5. Throw stuff everywhere.

    Knock pictures down.

    Undo all the beds, if they're made.

    Throw food on the walls.

    Leave stains on the carpet.

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