
What should i do to prepare for high school?

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I'm going to a freshman in high school this year, and, of course, i'm pretty nervous. I just wanted to know if there were any things i should do to prepare, or any things i should get, etc. I also know that colleges look for certain things from high school, other than good grades? Is there annything i should do during high school to help myself iin the future? Any tips are apreciated :-)




  1. Well right now you should try to review what you learned in the eighth grade. Try to go over some of your used work books. Remember the material, you don't have to do it but just refresh your memory. When your in high school join a lot of clubs, that way you will get the colleges noticing you and you will make a whole bunch of friends. Last but not least, DON'T PROCASTINATE that's the worst thing someone can do in high school, and don't bite off more than you can chew because that will make your first year hectic. Will hope that helped.

  2. deffinately join some clubs

    and just try to talk to everybody but don't let people walk all over you.

    btw, all the upperclass mates willl make fun of the freshman

    just expect it cause when your not a freshie you'll do it too


  3. Yeah, make sure you join a few clubs and do some after-school activities.  Also, take a few AP classes your Junior or Senior Year.

    *Make sure you do at least ONE sport.

  4. As for prepare to go into high school everyone is different u cant really mentality prepare for that...just stay clam. As for the college thing the also look for extra activities like clubs, plays, where you you have helped out, sports etc.  I'm sure you'll find something!...^_^

  5. Get a school map and outline your routes for classes

    Get an agenda for homework and tasks/projects

  6. It's really pretty normal to be nervous for high school. Don't worry though, it gets much better after about the first month once you know where all your classes are and make some friends. Basically, just don't get caught up in things like smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. even though they may seem appealing. It's not worth it in the long run. Make some good friends. Get good grades, join one or two clubs, and a sport. The sport is important for college and staying fit because you might not want to gain the freshman fifteen. Take it easy this year but still work hard to maintain a high GPA. Exercise and eat healthy every day. Bring basic things like a notebook and pens the first day. Teachers will be nice to you because they know high school is a big transition. They'll tell you what school supplies you need to buy during the first week. Go clothes shopping the week before school. Hang in there!  

  7. if you can get a map of the school, take your schedual and go through it, deciding what hallways to take to what class,and decide when to stop at your locker.hope this helps! Best of luck!

  8. wear a vest, youre gonna get shot at every day.

  9. join clubs/sports team!

    good luck!

  10. Just be yourself, don't get into the groups and cliques. Raise your hand in class, get good grades, stay out of illegal activities, etc.. You'll appreciate the fact that you did in the end. Have fun, sweetie! High school was a great time for me!! You'll love it!

  11. apply for

  12. just make  sure you join some clubs like student council and stuff...that looks good when applying to college

  13. Get involved!  play sports and join clubs  that's the only way that you will get the most out of your highschool experience. Also, make friends with everyone -yes even the nerds. They will prove to be very trust worthy and loyal friends. Always walk in the middle of the hallway with your head high.. and always have a good relationship with your teachers, they are the ones that will write your recommendation letters in the future.  

  14. dont get on anyones badside. thats what my cousin told me, even though shes one of them. but shes nice to me

  15. Definitley take AP courses if you can. AND take them SERIOUSLY! I thought they were a waste but actually once you get to college it counts as credits, and ITS FREE!!!! and it's easier to study more in high school then college, get to as many as you can now!!! GOODLUCK

  16. Community service looks good, academics like clubs or sports. Other than that you should be good.

  17. as of right now,

    you dont have to worry as much as lets say in your junior year.

    as a freshman, make sure you try as much as possible because it is still a very important year. you want to start off with good grades to help your gpa and try to make sure that you become friends with your teachers, because you them to remember you when you do your recommendations.

    also join clubs and make sure that you stick with it throughout your 4 years. colleges love to see consistency and not just someone who is going to try something and quit because of one small thing.

  18. aha u should chill and enjoy ur summer high school isnt difficult as long as u study a bit at home daily  

  19. You don't have to worry about anything. Its really know big deal. I was a freshman last year. I was so nervous to go into high school. Just get the normal pens, pencils, makers, colored pencils, sharpy's, high lighters and a folder FOR EVERY class. Try and stay as organized as possible. Do as many sports as you like. Colleges will look at sports and don't quit. Try to stay out of trouble too.

  20. Have good grades. The rich colleges look for people that have good grades and follow all the rules. on the first day of school wear something very cute and be nice to people and make friends. But of course, have a good school year.

  21. my first time too! lol good luck!

  22. Join a school would look good on an application

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