
What should i do to retain my relationship?

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i consider one of my classmate as my brother , he too has a similar feeling for me. now the problem is; my friend ,who was very close to me ,also considers him as her brother.she always pretends as though he is very close to her,though i know him long before her. she made me feel that, so i stopped speaking with my brother, then we sorted it out , for a while i was speaking with my bro.but our relationship is no longer as before. i hav lost my trust for him. what should i do..




  1. girls don't really trust guys that much after they do something but from what you said he has done nothing wrong to you or this other person, you make it seem like he is to have one Friend and one friend on;y and that is you, guys need their friends too you know, he wants to stay friends so just let what ever happen go and keep your 'bro' as you say, don't waste you time not trusting the one person who is always there for you.

  2. well...

    in a relationship faith and trust are very important..

    don't mind this..

    but boys tend 2 take rltionshps easily...

    girls take it sruslee...

    u gt 2 sacrifice n strt trustin him and evrythin will b normal again 1nce he strtz noticing u lyk bfore

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