
What should i do today???

by  |  earlier

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one rainy horrible grey sunny ranibow blue sky day....

ive just done alnighter and played darts and poker and watched half of borat and we put spidermans head on ebay but thats another question! anywho what should i do....




  1. Get barbie dolls and amputate their bodies!!!

    I wanna join in tho... I missed out!!

  2. try to sleep!

  3.   I have the perfect solution for you my friend. It relates directly to a book

    I once read, and If you have the dash to follow - here it is.

      On a piece of paper, write six scenarios that you may do - would like to do - but cant decide. Making sure you add one scenario that scares you - makes you uncomfortable - would have a dillema in carrying out. Six scenarios. Pick up a dice and swear to yourself you will let the die choose. If you cannot make this promise, do not proceed. If you can, roll the die and do as it says.

    1. mow the lawn.

    2. mow the lawn in a thong

    3. Walk to shop, buy magazine that I would never buy, and be         extremely interested in it.

    4. Go and talk to my neighbor

    5. Accuse my neighbor of stealing a $400 socket set from my porch

    6. Listen to my favorite music.

  4. Go on a street corner and start sucking people off

  5. get a life maybe?

  6. You can watch the parades on TV, then do some Yahoo! Answers.  It's a good day for a walk, maybe to the local shopping center.  Yardwork is always fun too.

  7. take a valium, and call it a night

  8. go for a walk your not salt enjoy the day ........................

  9. Watch a film u kno go out and go get one or do what i do and sleep:)

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