
What should i do when i have certain neighbours who moans about everything?

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What should i do when i have certain neighbours who moans about everything?




  1. avoid as much as possible.  But when you have to talk to them say something like this with a smile on your face(this totally disarms them): " Wow, thats a little negative!  One way to look at it is to look at the glass half full not half empty.  We have a lot to be thankful for and I bet if you look for the good in each situation you will find it.  I myself try to keep positive it makes me feel better you should try it".

  2. ignore them

  3. Get them a bottle since this is in the parenting section

  4. I would pretend not to understand them.  Every time they moan, ask them to repeat and repeat until they get fed up!!

  5. just remind them they can make the rules in their home but not yours, they seem to hold the monopoly on rules..... providing your not the prob..........

  6. If it really bugs you could do one of a couple things. You could talk to them about it and ask how they are and why they moan all the time. Try to be understanding (not that I think you aren't)and maybe they will stop moaning

  7. Ignore them they are not worth it.

  8. tell them to stop moaning

  9. ignore them!  thats what i do with my moaning neighbours

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