
What should i do when i like 2 boys that are awesome but one of them treats me like ****???

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What should i do when i like 2 boys that are awesome but one of them treats me like ****???




  1. the one who treats you like **** is probably using the reverse psychlogy thing on u call his bluff go with the other guy

  2. It is very strange that you like this person.

  3. Uuummm. .. . lemme guess, you like the one that treats you like **** because he is "hott"---materialistically? Oh dear...please choose the one that treats you good to avoid any heart break!

  4. well the one that treats you like xxxx you should break up him and go for the good one. choose wisely

  5. A guy is not "awesome" if he treats you like ****!! Stay away from him and find someone who is worthy of you.

  6. duh.  then ignore him and choose the other

  7. Take the one that treats you like ****! That's what you want or you would not be asking this question.

  8. obviously pick the one who you think will treat you like a queen not shiit

  9. I cant believe you're actually asking...unless you want to be battered for long you'll be with the dude that treats you like ****(if you choose him)....Go with the one that treats you nicely!

  10. I think Kai babe understand your situation the most, I got a feeling that you actually don't like the one who treat you good, or at least maybe not as much as the d***head , so you don't know what to do, your options is to 1. wait for the Mr right who hasn't shown up yet , or get to know the nice guy better. Scrap the guy who treat you like **** from your book

  11. Hahaha...this is soo teen movie!! Uumm...choose the one that treats you good!

  12. go with the one whom does not treat you like **** duh!

  13. if they treat you like **** they are not awsome and do not diserve you. you should not like him. common sense

  14. Pick the nice one or the fat one.

  15. well its obvious that you should go for the one that don't treat you like ****.. he can't be that awesome if he's an ***.. go with the other guy the one who's not a jerk

  16. Go with the nice one.  Dont take offeense to this, but why do you like the other one?

  17. you're a ******* idiot.

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