
What should i do when my friend ignores me?

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UGH. There is this girl in my group of friends that ignores me half the time. needless to say, our friendship has been on and off over the years, and i don't really mind not being friends with her anymore. I have absolutely no problem not being friends with her anymore.

here is the real problem. She is friends with everyone in my group, and she is also really good friends with my best friend. I dont think anyone has noticed her ignoring me, because she does it by talking to everyone else EXCEPT me. when i do something wrong she brings it to everyones attention, and does mean things in a sneaky way. the only problem is, all of my friends like HER and they like me. So i am afraid that if i tell them what is happening, they will not believe me and side with her, because they have never really seen it.

my best friend had a similar experience with her, but she is convinced that the mean girls bi-polar friendship qualities have ended for good, and that it was just a phase.

how do i convince my friends to understand my problem?

10 points for a great answer, and i need one!




  1. what i would do is tell your best friend about the problem. if she is your best friend, she should listen to your side of the story. Once ur best friend knows whats going on, i would then pull the girl who is ignoring you to the side, where no one can hear out your conversation between you and her.

    Ask her what you feel, like "why are you ignoring me?" and "what have i done to get this kind of treatment from you?" If she doesn't like you for whatever reason then u really dont need her. After that just tell your best friend if that girl is going to keep being that way then just tell her that im not going to hang out with you when shes around.

    Overall, if a problem like this continues to happen, its going to only get worse, believe me i know. i have a group where my friends who are girls are constantly ignoring each other on an "off and on" period. they just talk behind each others back and dont confront each other with the real problem. So, my best advice is to talk it out with your best friend and the girl who ignores you. Its going to either have a good ending or bad ending. But AT LEAST, the problem will cease. i hope this helps.

  2. Well, If I were you I would talk to the girl first and find out why she's ignoring you and being mean all the time. If she doesn't give you a good answer then bring it to the other girls' attention because if you don't things are only going to get worse. I'm not saying that you should talk trash about the mean girl but just make sure that everyone else is aware so that they'll watch for it a little better. If they are really good, close friends then they will at least listen to you. If not, then your better off without them. I don't think anyone should have to go through that kind of abuse from a "friend".  

  3. For starters it is plain to see the girl just does not like you, for whatever reason. The next time she brings up your mistake in front of everyone just blurt out, "Well, I don't know how you noticed that when all you do is ignore me." Leave it there. If you start telling your mutual friends how awful she treats you (and they have never seen it) you will not convince them. You'll end up looking like the nutcase. She'll act all innocent. I had a similar problem in my early teens, the girl was a nasty b----. Just ignore her, like she does with you. Cut off any communication with her, save yourself aggravation. It's clear this girl's getting to you, exactly what she wanted to do.

  4. Firstly, I dont really think that your friends will really understand u, and if u try to talk to them against this girl, they may eventually misunderstand u. Second, I have faced this problem myself and I found a solution to this problem. But trust me, this is going to take a long time to work, so be patient, and u need a lot of self control. If this girl is ignoring u, u start ignoring her as well! Talk to everyone in the group except her, show her that u are least bothered about her ignoring u, so she will actually try to seek your attention. Simple but tough. And yes, there's another possibility, she may tell your friends that u are ignoring her, then u have to take advantage of the situation, and convince them that she's ignoring u and not vice versa. U may record your conversations sometimes for proof. Good luck :)  

  5. it might take some guts but you might have to confront her with the problem when your friends are around cuz if you tell your friends behind her back youll make yourself look bad, so i guess the only way is to bring it up and try to mend the friendship because another friend wont hurt.


  6. i no what u mean today at the pool my friend jesika(im not a great speller) kept ignoring me and im not sure what to do

  7. Things usually work out. Your friends probably realize your situation with this girl so don't even mention it. Don't force them to take sides. Worry about other more pressing problems that you can solve.

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