
What should i do when there is a girl i really like but she's not that pretty?

by  |  earlier

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There is this girl that goes to my school and she is in my 2nd period that i really like, but she is not all that pretty and most people thinks she isn't either. What should i do?




  1. Looks aren't every thing. If you like her, who cares what people think or say. Does she have a good personality and is she nice. That's all that matters.

  2. Who says that she is not pretty, you and other people? When you love someone / like them, you see the real person (inside). ask yoursel this questions, if you were dating / in a relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world and she was in a car accident and her face and body was scarred....would you still feel the same towards her???  

  3. you have nothing to do with her *prettiness*. If she attracts you, go ahead. don't even think what others say about her.

  4. if your the one that likes her, why would it matter what others think. If your also doubting her as well saying i like her but she's not that [pretty. I guess you need to work on what you think.

    Good Luck though

    plzz answer, its not a long question;...

  5. you like her.. so there's something about her that attracts you to her.. so what does it matter what other people think?? everyone always has something to say about things anyways.. all that matters is what you think.  

  6. if you really like her, what's it matter what others think?! and also, what's it matter what she looks like?!

    what do you really want, to try and be with the girl you like, or be only with girls your friends think are worth dating even if you don't like them?!?

    once you answer that, you'll know what to do.

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