
What should i do with $40000?

by  |  earlier

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should i buy a car? should i invest it? any ideas?




  1. You should make an appointment with a qualified financial planner, who knows the best way to get a decent return on your money.

  2. hello - invest for retirement.  

  3. By all means invest it! Your bank can set you up an account that will bring in good monthly interest with that amount.

  4. That is a crazy question! Is there not something that you need to be doing with it. If you have to ask should you by a car you don't really need one. If you have to ask should you invest it you don't need to. Take my advice put it away until you need it.

  5. All of the above answers aren't very good.  First of all, it is not that much money, so running off to a financial planner is not a good idea.  Second of all, what you "should" do with it depends on other things:

    how much do you make now?  How much do you have saved/invested?  How much debt do you have?

    If you make $200k a year, max out your retirement account, and save another $20k+ per year, and have no credit card or "expensive" debt, then go buy a nice car if you so choose.  If you make $35k a year, have nothing saved, maxed out credit cards, etc., then you should probably pay off debt, create an "emergency fund" bank account with 3-6 months of living expenses.

    So, the answer is relative to your financial picture.  Again, that is not enough money to have a good financial planner give you good advice.  Add a zero to that amount, and then maybe it makes sense.

    Good luck

  6. shopping spree you could thjrow some my way

  7. Give it to me.

    my bank account is 2134223

    my social security number is 4352

    i live in manhattan, harlem.


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