
What should i do with my 6 year old?

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i live on an island, the nearest hospital is more than 2 hours away, and therefore pregnant women have to leave usually 1 month before expected due date to wait near a hospital. i have a 6 year old son and a 3 year old son and it just occured to me that my 1st grader will have to miss the last month of school, and he is doing poorly in math and english as it is. i don't know what to do!




  1. Is it possible to enrol him in a school close by just for the last month? If you explain the situation they might be able to accommodate you.

  2. Would be easier to have a home birth.

  3. How much do they really learn the last month of school anyway really. Maybe think about the due date next time you decide to conceive. :-) Good luck!

  4. why dont you move or hire a baby sitter for a month

  5. Do you have a relative close by or one that can come and watch for that month? I know he will miss you but he has to be in school especially if he is doing poorly. The 3 year old could either go with you or stay with the relative.

  6. Just because he's not in school does not mean he can't do the work!  You just need to make the arrangments ahead of time!  What's up with a kid so young not doing well in these classes?  You need to do a better job of working with him on these subjects!  You don't let this kind of a problem go on all year!  Get him special help or whatever it takes for him to catch up!  Maybe he needs to be seen by a Dr to make sure he doesn't have a problem or something, it's just so odd for a child this young to already be having problems keeping up in school!!!

  7. any relatives living close, or ask the teacher what he can do to make up or like any work?

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