
What should i do with my dog when i am leaving in a few years?

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I am 14 and i when i go off to colledge at 18 and my dog is 2 years old in people years and it will still be alive when i leave so what should i do with it then?




  1. Are your parents wanting to keep the dog while you are at school?  Consider the option of staying at home and going to a local college too.

    Im keeping my cousin's dog for her while she's at school.  She's in a dorm and cannot keep the dog during that time.

  2. Well don't your parents want to keep him for you .? Or a friend might keep him until you can come home. I am sure you probably have some good friends you can count on.

  3. Just bring it to the pound or animal shelter they take them for free!

  4. call a babysitter

  5. Its a pretty common reason dogs are dumped, people don't think that their 10 year old kid should get an adult dog instead of a puppy. They should get an adult because it won't be around when the kid goes off to college or to an apartment. I guess your parents got you the dog, so they have to live with the lack of planning and take care of the dog, or dump it like everybody else does.

  6. Well, you can let a relative take care of your dog. A cousin? Well make sure not some one that is to old or has a tight schedule. Try your cousin, an older sibling I suppose. Maybe a friend. If you know a dog lover then that will be a great choice. Somebody who has dogs also would be a good choice I guess so that your dog won't be very lonely.

  7. Take it with you!  If you don't stay in a dorm, and get an apartment or house instead, you can take him with you.  Go in with a couple of friends to share the rent.  Or, go to college near where you live and both of you stay at home.  Then you won't have to worry that your baby is being taken care of the way you want it to be.

  8. Dont worry about it untill its time..

  9. When it comes time.. Ask friends, family, relatives, co-workers and anybody you know to help get the word out that you are looking for a home for your pet.  There is a good chance that somebody might know somebody who knows somebody, and so on, who is looking for a pet.  It will be a much smoother transition for your pet to move from your home into a new home versus going to a homeless animal shelter.

    Put an ad in the newspaper.  Remember, you don't have to give your dog away to the first person who answers the ad.  Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions, or even ask to see where your pet would be living.  Use your best judgment when interviewing potential new owners, and go with your gut feeling about people.

    Make giveaway flyers to hang around town.  Ask storeowners if you may place flyers in their store.  Try to post flyers in high traffic locations - grocery stores, animal supply stores, veterinary clinics and gas stations, for example.

    And finally, Call your local humane society.  Try to use this as a last resort.  Owner-surrendered animals have a harder time adjusting to shelter life, and in many cases, become depressed or develop anxiety

  10. Enjoy the dog as much as you can now, most likely it will stay with your parents, it already has a home. Don't worry about it.

  11. Check the laws and rules in your community. If it is legal to take a dog into college then do it. If not check for foster homes with good records to keep dogs for a while until your ready. If that still isn't possible then get a relative Like a Mom Dad Brother or sister. If your mom or dad are mentally ill in the slightest bit or aggressive or drunks or neglectful or sexist then dont do it. But it is still a pretty good choice to go with it to college. Explain to the person who controls the college if you could keep your dog and make up a sad story about how nobody will take it while your in college or something!

  12. Your parents will likely keep the dog and you can see it when you come home on weekends or breaks.

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