
What should i do with my dogs?

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I have two bichon frise's who go to the bathroom in the house. They know that they are supposed to go outside but go inside. one is now 5 and the other is 4 the male is the older one and he pees everywhere. When i take him outside he goes but then he comes back inside and pees when im not looking. the other is a girl and we will have the door open to go outside but she chooses to go inside.

What do I do to make them not pee or p**p in the house?

I also have a siberian husky who is a good girl and goes outside.




  1. Training an adult dog not to go in the house is hard, but possible.  The inside of the house must be cleaned and deodorized or they will re-mark as soon as possible.  

    Then they must be crated or leashed (tied to a person) 24/7 until they are going outside all the time without fail.  

    Teach them to ask to go out by barking or ringing a bell tied on the door k**b.  Do not free feed and water for now.  Give food and water on a schedule (water more often) this will make their toileting more predictable.

    Take them out when they start to circle, sniff or squat.  If they do go, praise a lot.  Do not remove the p**p right away.  The scent of the old p**p and pee tells them they can go there.  There are some scent aides you can get at the pet store.  

    The only cure for going inside for now is prevention and catching them in the act.  You can't do this if they have the run of the house.

  2. You obviously never took the time to potty train them properly. Even though it will be much more difficult at their age and seeing as they are so used to going in the house it can be done.

    Get 2 crates tomorrow and start crate training them. It's going to take time and a lot of hard work, but it can be done.

  3. either bladder problems or just bad behavior try keeping them outside in your yard untill they do pee or p**p if they do so then use a clicker click then give a treat they will associat the clicker with treat and also know come by the time u r done just click it and the will come running back to u

  4. the dogs might have bladder problems i would get them checked at the vet

  5.     We have found dogs with either doggy doors or open doors to go outside are not housebroken. They often go inside esp if the door is closed. Having constant access to the outside does not teach them to hold it it teaches them to go whenever they feel like it. My g/f has this same problem, her doors are open unless there is a bad storm and her dogs all potty inside. You need to go back to basics, treat them as if they were 8 week old pups. either crate or tie to your belt so you can watch them, take them out every 2 hours and praise and treat for outside potty. You must go out with them, not just toss them outside. Meanwhile clean the house with an enzyme type cleaner to get the pee smell out. Hopefully both dogs are neutered, an un neutered male will mark and so will an unspayed female. Also dogs from a PetStore or BYB are almost impossible to housebreak, they were brought up living in their own filth so have no interest in keeping their living quaters clean.  

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