
What should i do with my dress??

by  |  earlier

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Ok i bought a dress for a wedding im going to next weekend and its kind of really short and its also strapless. And im worried its either going to fall down or go up then people can see my underwear! lol im sure theres going to be ALOT of dancing and stuff so is this dress not good for weddings? should i go buy another dress? im not sure what kind of dress to wear to a wedding! and i only have a week. what should i do?? thanks!




  1. I think that you should go and get another dress.

    No offense.

    But I agree with the other person;

    All eyes are supposed to be on the bride.

    Maybe you could wear the short dress to school or something?

  2. you should buy another dress.

    Why would you buy something so short, and so low?  No offence, but that sounds a little S****y looking... and all eyes are supposed to be on the bride.

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