
What should i do with my ear piercing?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and i've had my ears pierced for 8 months and i keep having problems with my right ear. It keeps getting really irritated and it hurts!. I have tried hypo-allergenic nickel free studs, 14k gold plated studs, 24k gold plated over sterling silver and all of those have cause my ear to become irritated and painful. I clean my ears and studs every 2 days either with water or rubbing alcohol . I don't know what else to do, i'm tired of having my ear be constantly tender and painful. What should i do? What studs should i try now?




  1. Titanium jewerly is better than that c**p that you've used.  Also, alcohol sucks for cleaning jewelry.   For the sea salt soaks, make sure you do them twice a day everyday & that you're not using too much salt.

  2. I'd stop with the alcohol, maybe try sea salt. and my ears got irritated when I would touch them a lot.

  3. take them out. Wait for them to heal. Its been 8months, theyre suppost to heal in 6weeks. Maybe you cant handle the metal or your body is reacting by not healing them maybe try once they are healed or if you really dont want to take them out clean then two times a day.

  4. For any type of piercing soaking from 3 - 5 min with chamomile tea woks really well. its a little hard to soak your ear so making ice cubes with the tea and just using a cloth to hold it there works good. It calms the area and helps with healing. Also, the alcohol will really dry out the ear making it more prone to pain and infection. so stopping that would be good. sea salt works well with a very weak mixture. and just try not to touch it too much. with your hands being dirty and everything you're putting a lot of germs on the area.

    good luck

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