
What should i do with my new tattoos. please HELP ME ?

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Friday i got 2 tattoos. one on my side & one on my foot. the one on my side goes from right under my breast on my ribs all the way dow to a lil bit passed my waste. i use A&D ointment as recomended, how ever. my pants are rubbing agasnt it, how do i prevent that from happening if i wan my tatoo to heal corectly instead of my pants just peeling it off??? i dont want to to fade.




  1. It's kinda hard to avoid it ... you're gonna have to wear pants that are loose around your waist other wise it's inevitable that your pants will peel it off. It happened to my tattoo near my hip bone.

  2. I had to cover the area that my clothes rubbed against with a gauze for the first week or so. Make sure it's nice and porous, use a couple of layers, put your A&D on under it, and tape it to yourself a few inches to either side of the tattoo.


    about has a little ditty on after care here.

  3. The best way would be to apply a light layer of A&D and keep a piece of saran wrap on. If possible while at home stay in shorts or something loose, possibly just bra & panties to let tattoo air out. By now you should only need A&D for today. After that you should be using Non scented Lotion. Preferably Jergens or Lubriderm.

  4. if u use A + D make sure u use a super super thin layer, it will make ur skin break out and happend to me. U should use aquaphor-u can get it at the pharmacy-its water based so its less likely to make u break out. if u dont want ur pants to rub ur tattoo u can cover ur tattoo w gauze and medical tape or something similar. but it's important to let it breath. perhaps wear a dress or skirt, something cotton maybe that wont scratch it while it's in its scabbing period.


    good luck...

  5. You're not supposed to cover tattoos

    Only right after you get them

    and that's so the extra ink / blood can be absorbed

    so ignore the person who told you to wrap it in gauze

    I have two tattoos on my stomach and one on my leg

    Your clothes are obviously going to brush against it a little

    Just make sure you wear very loose clothing, very baggy stuff

    so you can give it air and let it breathe.

    Also, I would suggest, instead of A&D ointment,

    try using Bacitracin, only because A&D can bleed the color out

    if you use too much of it.... or just try an unscented lotion like Lubriderm.

    But I think you'll be okay, the most important thing is

    that you take care of it properly (wash 4 times a day,

    pat dry for 5 minutes, apply cream, etc.....)

    It won't peel off because of your clothes

    and it won't fade because of your clothes

    It WILL peel, but that is natural and normal

    Don't pick at it - just let it heal naturally.

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