
What should i do with this friendship?

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This was my first question:

My friend Sara, her parents got divorced this year and shes been going though a lot this year also..her parents are really into "ohh it all about what Sara wants and give her this because she wants it" so sara only talks about herself or her boyfriend it so annoying..she never asks about me and how im doing or what i'm up to cause she so about herself! Everyone gets so tired of her stories so they talk about her behind her back! So.. everyday she came to school crying about either her boyfriend, getting in fight with her mom about everything, and not wanting hang out with her dad which means i had to put everything on hold because she was crying/sad. So one day we were going to hang out after school but i didn't know that her mom planned an intervention where everyone said how great sara is and how she she needs to realize that she is too good for her boyfriend.. so her mom planned for me to be there and I didn't feel comfortable being their with her mom, sara, her cousin, and mom's friend then they expected me to say something. so i did but i felt like i her mom set this up but not only that i felt out of place so...yesterday sara's mom told my mom that sara's mom's friend said that she heard me say " i was backed into it" when i heard her say that i first thought I never talk to her and never told her so she must of heard me say something like that because she works at her house sometimes i think she was in the house that day but i never talk to her so.. my question is what should I to sara, or her mom about that what her moms co-worker said.

We've been friends for about 10 years and shes alway been babied and self-centered and boy crazy

And after the intervention i asked her if the intervention was planned and she said yes that she knew it was going to happen that day

* 3 days ago

* - 20 hours left to answer.

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3 days ago

THE LASTEST:She went on a two week trip to flordia with her mom, little brother, and a friend named Miley and her friend's brother. I been trying to advoid her since she been back but i heard that she lost her virginity when she was on the trip to Miley's brother. The thing is the only reason she wants to have s*x is because her other friends are having it and she wants to be "cool" when i heard that she had s*x with miley's brother i lost all my respect for her, it pissed me off and she is still dating someone else and cheat on him now twice with 2 different guys!!! She relys on me for everything but never been there for me!! I know that if i try to end this friendship she will cry and cry and be sooo mad at me and so will her family but we are sooo different and i dont want to be like her and i dont want to be friends with someone like that

3 days ago

if i dont talk to her, her mom tells my mom that "she is being ostracized" by me, she said that before but I have a whole new group of friends and she has a small group of people but isn't really making a group of friends cause it all about herself and her boyfriend

3 days ago

Were going to be in college soon and no ones going to care about her as much as she thinks they are...but anyways maybe ill just tell her that i dont want to know what happend in florida cause if she tells me im going to have to be honest. What do think she do or do you think its a good idea to just advode the subject cause there could bew conflict when i tell her that i lost respect for her.... but maybe i should just listen because maybe she sees it as a mistake and if she doesnt then i tell her about how i feel cause i need to tell her cause noone else will>>>>

My question is would it be rude to just tell her when we talk that I dont want to hear about her story or what happened in florida or should i hear her story then tell her that what she did makes me mad and her actions make me lose lots of respect?




  1. Wow, chop that question in half or maybe in 1/8th because that novel is just not going to be read by anyone.

  2. Be honest and tell her how you feel ,it seems to me the "friendship" is a bit one sided,she isn't treating you like a friend, she seems to treat you like you're just someone to dump her problems on.Friendship is mutual respect,caring,sharing, understanding,loyalty and honesty,NOT SELFISHNESS.Talk to her,but  if she is unwilling to change ,lose her as a friend.

  3. your questions to long sorry

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