
What should i do with this kid!?

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my daughter is 6 years old, and just graduated from kindergarten yesterday. recently, we found in her upstairs bathroom that instead of flushing her used toilet paper, she had been just wadding it up and putting it in the floor. we dealt with this in a very gentle manner, and told her that it was not nice to do that and that it spread germs and stuff. well, we noticed today that she has been doing it again! also, she got herself a bowl of cereal this morning while we were still asleep and then poured it all in her bed...on purpose...and then hid it. i only found it cause i was going to change her sheets today anyway and when i asked her about it, she told me she dumped it out on purpose. she also poured water on her 2 month old brand new carpet and put a box on top of it. what is going on with her and what should i do to make her stop this behavior??




  1. Perhaps she isn't pleased about the end of school and missing playtime with her friends.  Perhaps in behaving bad, she's hoping you'll send her back to school, where she wants to be.

  2. I feel for you , but have been there myself, my son is getting ready to turn 7 in a week.  They go through a stage where its kinda like the terrible 2's thing, they try to push you to see how far you will go.  The good news is it will pass, but you have to be firm with her and let her know that even though you love her this behavior is not going to be acceptable.  I hope this helps, but you have to let her know that she is going to stop acting this way!

  3. first you need to make her clean up her own toilet paper mess, Then clean any other mess she purposely makes. Then you can tell her what a big girl she is being and if she keeps up not doing those bad things anymore she will get a reward for being soo grown up. She could be looking for attention, But she needs to see that being bad isn't a good way to get it but being good is. Make sure you teach her to take responsibility for her own actions and the you can start rewarding her when she does good and be sure to tell her. Kids are smart, Explain everything your gonna do and she is gonna do first. this may give her incentive.

  4. Yes, she is definitely trying to get attention.  Are you able to spend some one-on-one time with her every day?  If she is going into a day care this summer, be sure you have time with her every night and do something special over the weekends.  

    Too much punishment is just getting negative attention.  If she learns that is the only way to get your attention, then the acting out will just continue.  Think positive reinforcement for good activity. Good luck.

  5. i dont think making her clean dog poo is going to help but im thinking shes out of school now and shes bored! maybe this is her cry for attention and shes getting it from you by doing bad things some say bad attention is better then no attention at all try waking up with her and making her breakfast and eatting together maybe watching a program together or shopping walking etc etc but do it together my kids always liked doing fun stuff with me we used to finger paint with pudding and glueing stuff on paper crafts etc etc try this and you will see a difference its a good way to get her mind off what shes doing bad and she will now want to be good so she can be rewarded with doing fun things with mom hope this works for you and good luck

  6. Maybe you should try a better discipline plan. Or take her to a counselor or doctor. Obviously she does not care about what you are telling her.

  7. Seriously, something is wrong with this child. Something has happened to her and she doesn't know how to tell you. She is acting out to get your attention.  Consider taking her to a child psychologist to get to the bottom of this.

  8. shes wants attention! so just dont give it to her. Personally i would have made her sleep in that bed with the cereal.

    She needs punishment. LIke prehaps making her sit in a corner. But any mess she makes it is her who should clean it up not you. THis should teach her from making the mess in the first place. Both you and your partner need to agree on the course of action your going to take towards her bratty ways so she gets the same treatment from both of you. SHe will then know what her limits are.

  9. Wow, i have a 6 yr old too. and while she was passed thru grades, she is adding and subtracting and reading on a 2nd grade level she has never done that though....

    I would talk to the doctor and find out if there is something you can do. Unless someone on yahooanswers gives you any ideas..... I wish you the best

    One more thing that comes to mind is maybe shes not getting enough of your attention so she is acting out to get wut ever kind of attention she can get from you...

  10. i think you shud ask her what wrong? or if she doesn't respond to that seriously, you should get her checked by a psychologist. She shouldn't be doing that unless shes realy upset and giving revenge maybe?

  11. maybe she is frusterated with you or her father or an adult in her life.  maybe she is angry that kindgergarten ended and now she cant play with her friends every day. i would suggest getting her enrolled in a day camp during summer.  the boys and girls club usually has good programs.  give her something to look forward to so she is distracted from her misheivious behavior.

    also, if it was me, I would wait until the next incident happened, and then say "since you put that toilet paper on the floor instead of in the toilet, I am going to go to the bathroom with you next time, just like I did when you a baby and learning to go potty.  when you can start behaving like a big girl, we can go back to normal."  change it for every situation.  "until you learn to eat like a first grader (which she is now, since she graduated) I'll just sit here with you every time you eat, and if you make a mess we'll have to get a bib and I'll feed you myself" etc etc.  of course, if other adults or kids come around, i would refrain, as this can cause unneccesary embarassment which would just make her mad.

    she is either bored, or angry.  try working with the "bored" aspect first, and then the "Angry".  maybe she needs more lovin', or more protection from things that are scary to her.

    Good luck!

  12. i advice to make a Bord of good and bad behavior

    put a stamp for each good thing

    and put a cross for bad things

    after a week

    look which of them is more than the other

    and give her a gift if she make good things

  13. i so know what you are going through when my now 7, then 3 year old son would wake up in the morning he would sneak out of his room and, not kidding you, about 6-7 times he poured out entire Gallons of milk into our carpet! I didn't understand why he was doing this I tried talking to him but I just couldn't get through to him, once he even smeared his p**p on the bathroom wall, that was the last straw! I handed him some cleaning supplies and made him clean it up while i watched! at 3 years old he learned his lesson and thank god he did I dont know how much more I could have taken having to clean that carpet!!

    So my advise to you is make her clean up her own mess (supervised of course) and that will teach her to value the hard work it is to keep thing clean.

  14. She needs to know that there will be harsh consequences for that kind of behavior. Sometimes, the "sit your child down and ask them why they are feeling angry and destructive" approach just does not work. I'm not saying you should slap her around - just set guidelines and restrict priviledges.

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