
What should i do with this mouse

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well i just caught a mouse

(in one of those traps with that strong sticky stuff the get stuck too)

and i was just wondering what do i do with it now

its not dead its just sitting there squeaking

do i just like wait until it dies

(i really dont want to do that but i dont think theres anyway to realese it from that trap

so do i let it die?




  1. Why are people so mean?

    "just throw it outside a cat will play bball with it"

    that is soooo wrong  if he comes off the sticky stuff unharmed then release him but if he's harmed get someone else to kill him or else he will have a slow painful death

  2. your pure evil. glue traps are disgusting and i think they should be made illegal. if you dont want it to die, then i think you have to put vegtable oil or something on it to get it off.  

  3. This tares my heart apart because I have a rat and he is my baby... i love him but i really would try to do something i would hate for it to die...

  4. no...keep it unless it does something unpleasant

  5. just keep trying to pull or take it off i love animals im literly crying right now. but dont give up you cant just let it die. and dont ever use that again there better and safer ways to catch them so they wont get hurt if you do get the little critter out (hopefully) let out into the mountains. well i hope you get that poor creature out of that dumb trap. BEST WISHES!!

  6. If you think he has to die take him to the vet to be put to sleep humanely rather than letting him starve and dehydrate.  But if he looks in a good state I think you should release him.  Check to see if "he" is not lactating, if she is then release her where she was found.  If not you can take her anywhere.  They probably won't eat cheese.  Try comercial rodent food if you have any or if not then breakfast cereal and vegetables, fruit and grass.  Leave some of this food where you release it so it has something to rely on till it has got used to the area.  

  7. Well, you wanted to catch it.

    If you try and 'peel' it off, it's going to hurt it more- and if you release it in pain or even physically hurt, it'll just be caught by a predator or die of infection anyway- and there's nothing else you can do.

    I'd advise you have to wait for it to die.

    I know that sounds heartless, but it's either peel it off, causing more pain, ripping of the skin, and ultimately suffering for it, or wait for it to die- or stick it outside and hopes a predator deals with it.


    These bleeding hearts here clearly know nothing about pests. Wild mice and rats are totally different from your precious pets- they need to be dealt with if they're enfringing on human life and potentially causing issues!

  8. That is sad. Sounds more humane to just use a regular snapping trap.

    I wouldn't know what to do either. Just make sure you do something. Either let another animal (cat) put it out of its misery or try to peel it off yourself without hurting it much more.

    Those traps are awful. Just get a cat.

  9. no, it'll keep squeaking all night. it's like, waiting for it to starve. i advise that you through it outside. some cat might have a ball playing with it. it'll be gone eventually.

  10. just wait into it dies then toss it in the trash

  11. put it in the freezer so it will die slowly and not in pain and it will just get cold and fall asleep.then put it in the garbag out side in a seperet trash bag.

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