

by  |  earlier

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one of my rabbits is sick.i only have one cage for both them.they are not male one female.

the female is sick.she's limp.i dunno why.she cannot run or hop freely,as i see because here feet is barely moving.she still moves and eats little bit but she cannot move freely.she also have something red around here hair coming out of the area near the looks like a sickness you get from a dog.i dunno what to call that's just like the skin is showing and no hair is coming out.

what to do?the vet is closed today and i have to wait for two days before it opens again.what to do for now?i'm worried coz i have a rabbit also who died in that cage.that rabbit went limp also.i don't want this rabbit to die.i think she got infected by the one who died.





  1. She sounds extremely sick and she will not make it without vet care.  You need to call the vet clinic and see if they have an answering service, or you need to find an emergency vet in the area.  Waiting for two days is not an option if you want her to live.

    In the meantime keep her in an area that is free from drafts.  Try putting her near a heating pad, bean bag, or bottle of warm water.  Be careful to make sure that she can move away from the heat and that she doesn't rest against it for too long.  Sick animals can easily burn themselves on heating pads.

    She must eat.  If she is passing stool, at all, then it should be safe to force feed her.  You will need to make a pellet mush by soaking plain pellets in water.  Try offering this to her on a spoon.  If that doesn't work you'll need to find a syringe so that you can force her to eat.  If she doesn't eat she will die.

    Some food recipes other than plain pellets:

    You really need to find a vet for her, tonight.  Yes, an emergency visit will cost more money than a regular visit.  However, if you don't get her immediate vet care she will most likely die.

  2. ok i will. thanks

  3. sweetie you need to ring your vet straight away, vets who are closed usually put a message on that will tell you the phone number of the vet on call this weekend, go and see them, if you wait until Monday your rabbit could be dead, it would sound like what ever your last rabbit died of was contagious you need to remove the healthy rabbit out of the cage before he gets sick as well and totally scrub the cage out with disinfectant, put your female rabbit in a box and keep her warm make sure she has water if necessary get a spoon and hand feed her water every half hour to keep her hydrated, keep her warm but not too hot and get her to a vet ASAP, you also need to mention you have another rabbit as the vet may give you a treatment for him as well to stop him getting sick if it is contagious, but if nothing else you need to get to the vet on call this weekend, hope your rabbit recovers honey best of luck.

  4. Find another cage, put a heating pad under a towel. Take the rabbit, and rap her in a towel, not too tight. Lay her on top of the towel with the heating pad. Try and give it water if it doesn't take it don't give it. I am sorry to say, but it might die. There's really nothing you can do. I am not trying to be mean, but try and make its last moments a great one!

  5. GET ANOTHER CAGE!!! it usually isn't good for bunnies to share a cage. I had a puppy that was seriously dying on the floor and the vet said that we couldn't bring her in and she was freakin dying!!! so we went to a new vet and they took her right away. ask one of your friends with a pet for their vets number. if a pet is dying then they should make some time for the animal!!! good luck!! i hope your bunny is okay

  6. Ring your vet. They should have an automated message giving you a telephone number to ring in emergencies. You also need to thoroughly clean and disinfect the cage. This could be why your rabbit is poorly now because the cage was not disinfected properly before you put them in there. Also keep an eye on the male to  make sure he doesn't start showing the same symptoms.

    Good Luck.

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