
What should i do!?!?!?!???PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!?

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What should i do!?!?!?!???PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!?

Okay i just skipped school by checking out in the middle of the day...and i forged a note saying that i had to go to the orthodondist...and i just realized that i have to get a dentists note anyways.

SO basically my questions is which should i do???

1.go to my orthodontist and pretend that i thought i had an appointment today and when they tell me i don't i will act suprised and ask for an excuse note because I though it was today... OR

2. break one of the invisiligns i am wearing and go to the orthodontist(it is almost time to change my invisilign thing anyways)....

what should i do!?!?!??!?!?




  1. I would do #2. The dentists aren't retarded. They'll know you were trying to get out of doing something.. unless you're next appointment is like the very next day where they could understand that there might have been a miscommunication about which day you were supposed to come. But I still think number two is a better idea because they'll be more concerned about fixing whatever you broke than wondering if it's just an excuse to get out of school.

  2. break it... cuz they might not give you a note if they didnt give you any treatment.

  3. Neither.

    You need to NOT skip school.

  4. I would deffinatly choose option number two. The first one is a bit flawed. Hurry you don't want the school calling your rentals. Belevie me, getting caught after skipping school sucks.

  5. Option 1. Which by the way, is a really good idea and I wish I had thought of it when I was in a similar situation a few years back.

    Don't go breaking anything. It will cost your parents more money.

  6. you should have been prepared

    skipping school is a stupid thing to do but i guess if you are stupid enough to say you had to go to the orthodontist and you didnt know you needed a note then you should just drop out

  7. Definately option number 2.

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