
What should i do?!he said he would be with me if i aborted....?

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He hurt me by the worst EVER you can do to a girl.

He said how if we kept this baby i would have no one,we would have the social on our back

,his friend even emailed me a picture of a pregnant teenager!

I have had a abortion,a day later i find hes dating another girl

and he said he wanted to be mates with me ?

He said he wanted me and loved me,He said if i got a abortion that he would stay with me,

stupidly i believed him and a day after without even telling me had to find out for myself

that hes got with some other girl.

He also said to the other girl i wish it was you carring my baby!

I feel like a fool and like c**p!

He said to me stright after i still want to be your mate though and we can still meet up

i want to help you through this.But how can he say this when hes broke my heart?

i still really like him!even though i no its worng =[

what should i do?

It looks like he can move on but i can't he says things are 'looking up'!To his mates,but i feel so depressed =[




  1. he is selfish and your thinking aborting for this guy not being funny if you do that then you will be more selfish then him

  2. You've asked this question so many times, you need to move on with your life and make a better future for yourself. From what you have said, it sounds like you had a lucky escape from this guy. When you are older you will find someone better who really can make you happy.

  3. whoa girl.  I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.  You don't deserve to be treated like that.  I know its hard to see because you were so close to him but obviously he's being selfish and very immature.  Any guy that would tell you to kill your innocent baby just so that you two can be together is just disturbing.  Just get away from him for good no matterhow hard it is right now. YOu won't regret it later. Trust me.  Do something for yourself.

  4. It seems that you are really down on yourself, and I'm not judging you about the abortion. The guy was cheating on you and you still want him back.

    No guy will ever treat you right until you develop the self-respect to make him do so. I'm sorry but it's true.

    You need to be by yourself and heal from all the pain you are in, don't date anyone, especially him.

    I don't know how to tell you to get that self-respect, it comes from knowing who you are, the wonderful things about you that someone should love, and having great accomplishments that are yours alone and that you are proud of. If you don't have those things in your life, go and get them!

  5. Wow he's a real shitbag - cut him out of your life. You dont need a "friend" like that. Talk to someone you can trust about whats happened - a real friend, relative, parent or your gp. It a big thing to have to go through on your own. Good luck

  6. You got an abortion for a guy that you still "like"?How old are you?OK I am not going to lecture you but I hope you realize that it is your body,your baby was growing inside you & it was your choice if you wanted to have an abortion or not.

    What he did to you was disgusting and he doesn't deserve you!It's easier said then done but try forget about him.One day you will meet soeone who will love & respect you enough not to force you into getting an abortion.You should consider going on a contraceptive to prevent a situation like this in the future

  7. I'm sorry , but what you did,  is so SELFISH... You killed your baby for a guy...

    Because you felt YOU would lose your boyfriend if you had your you chose to abort...

    Who were you thinking of, YOU or your BABY... Sadly you only thought of yourself... How sad... :(

    I'm sorry i am sounding harsh, but you need to know that you have acted very selfishly...  

    You should not be weeping because you have lost your Boyfriend but rather that you did a very stupid thing.

    A boyfriend can be replaced...but an aborted child, NEVER...

    Please learn from your mistake, become a better person. Stop living your live just to please the opposite s*x.

    GoRa NeatEYe x

  8. The best thing to do is to completely remove this guy from your life. Nobody has the power to make you have an abortion and it seems that this ****head has a lot of control over you.

    No guy should ever have that much influence over you.

    I hope you feel better soon though.

    Seriously, you're better off without him in your life.


  9. I'm telling you what, get away from that **** bag. This actually made me mad, what the?! He told the other girl, he wished it was her carrying his baby? Tell him you want nothing to do with him again, and drop him completely. I'm sorry, it's hard, especially if you were in love. But I'm telling you girl, one day a perfect guy will sweep you off your feet, don't let the dirt sweep you away!

  10. im sorry. but you got an abortion for a guy? wow poor baby:( im sorry its true. dont try and get him back.  he doesn't deserve you. go get a bible and pray god loves you no matter what you did. god will help you this guy will only give you pain and hurt. god will give you love and help. please trust me!

  11. I've seen this question like 12 times.

    Anyways, he doesnt deserve you.

    find somebody different, he lied to you.

    Never settle for the less.

  12. what a JERK!!!!!!!

    i would punch him in the face.


    like if i knew him i would punch him in the face for you!


    ugh it makes me really mad that guys actually have the nerve to do these things.

    The only reason he wanted you to abort was because he didnt want the baby and abiously he didnt want you since he moved on so quickly.

    it's almost a good thing, however.

    at least you're not a single mom, taking care of a baby who's father left you and was nothing good for you.

    it's really tough i understand

    but plaese try to get over that jerk.

    he is BAD for your health in EVERY WAY

    and when you think about him, tell youself to STOP

    &that you deserve sooooo much better.

    and you do!

    also,don;t even be friends with him.

    and if he ever tries to ask for forgiveness, dont forgive him.

    he doesnt deserve forgiveness or a friendship from you.

    and for future relationships, please be careful.

    always use protection.

    and always be careful on beleiveing what they say.

    because men will say just about ANYTHING to get what they want.

    i hope you carry on well.

    Goodluck :)

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