
What should i do?im so stressed?

by  |  earlier

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im like rely stressed right now and when i went to combb my hair it is breaking off rely bad and my temper is getting short and im having mood swings like crazy what is this and how can i stop it




  1. be in love and make love with that one you love ;)

  2. i guess you should give your self a day of and try to relax.

  3. Well, like your first answerer said pray. Talking to God and getting things off your chest is always a good thing.

    Other than that, you need to recognize and deal with your emotions and thoughts. Stress comes from NOT doing this and the stress is your body's way of reacting to that. Think of negative thoughts, experiences, and emotions you've had lately, or even in the past month. Go through them and acknowledge the issue or the cause of them, recognize they're there and deal with them. There's a WHOLE book about this, called Who Switched Off My Brain? that explains this and it's very helpful in making you aware of just how much thoughts and emotions can physically affect you, and how leaving these things in your brain can have effects too. I HIGHLY recommend it. And NO it's NOT a self-help book. It's a, make you aware of very real medically and scientifically proven things that go on in your brain that affect your body and things that help reduce and even stop the damage kind of book.

  4. Think about cute things like kittens! That will improve your temper

  5. Take a break.

  6. Dealing with stress is a hard question to answer.

    The way to deal with it will be different from person to person...

    Just try to relax, maybe go out with your friends and just have a fun day, do something you enjoy.

    Also you could always try yoga...

    Or just take deep breaths...  

  7. You are having way too much stress, you could be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I lost half my hair when I had one. you need to change your life somehow or you will shut down. seek psychotherapy but make sure they are who you are comfortable with, mine didn't help me through mine she was new and inexperienced also see a doctor or psychiatrist for possible medication which wont cure it but will help the symptoms.

  8. i think u should take ten deep breaths and then go to the pharmacy and buy some head and shoulders shampoo that should help make  your hair strong and moisturized then i suggest calling up some friends and going to get a mani pedi its so relaxing and alot of fun  then if ur still stressed look for a phsycayatrist and think about seeing them.... i hope i helped

  9. Psychologist - now.

  10. It could just be the stress, menopause, or your period. Maybe you might be heading fro depression. Since your hair is falling out i recommend you call a doctor so they can help you found out whats wrong.

  11. I don't know what it is but you might want to try

    1. take some deep breaths.  Exhale twice as long as you inhale.

             ex. inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 10

    (sounds cheesy I know, but it truly does help)

    2. Drink a cup of warm tea like chamomile

    3. Schedule a massage

    4. Shower

    5. Stretch

    5. Listen to your favorite music


  12. u  should exercise and drink lots of water or find ways to get ur mind off other people for a while and just get some alone time

    do you miss someone??

    call someone you haven't talked to in along time

    sleep more read the Bible and pray.

    treat yourself to a little something, it might be a little reliever. don't go over board, you can't just let money solve everything or you will go broke eventually, u might just have been needing a treat

    i hope this helps

    good luck

  13. pray, you need to pray

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