
What should i do?(my hair got way screwed up!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i got my hair cut today for school and it did not turn out at all like i wanted it! i hate it and i look like one of thoes old people form like the 50's!!!! so i was wondering what i should do like is there a way i can do omething with it? also it is super short!!!




  1. omgg mee too. i got my haircut to my shoulders and my hair used to be at my waste, i usually pull back hair in the middle and bobby pinn it and i love itt. it might work for you too. or my friends say the pony tails aree cutee.  

  2. straighten it first , then tie it in to pigtails and wait for it to grow out

    im sure it looks just fine , it will grow out before you know it

    you could put some bangs in  

  3. try letting grow out i guess.... but for the mean time try low pigtails, or pull all the hair that can fit into a high pony or half pony that is way cute.... or you can try wearing a hat or maybe if you want shorter than you can go for a pixie cut and straighten it if it is naturally curly.

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