
What should i doo???????

by  |  earlier

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ok well my cousins birthday is tomorow from 5-8

and i have cheerleading practice tomorow from 6-8

i really dont know what to pick

if u were in my spot what would you chose!!!!!!

plz help and tell me what to tell the coach :[

oo and my cousin went to my birthday instead of going to some other friends so....

PLZ HELP.......WHAT should i do




  1. Go to the party fa 2 hours nd cheerleading fa the rest.

  2. family emergencey, you'll be there next practice.

    id DEF go to the party. i HATE cheer practice.

  3. if i was in your situation i would go to the birthday party. if she went to yours and you didn't go to hers then she will think that you don't like her. just tell the coach that you will make up the next practice. Tell him\her why you cant make it and he\she will under stand. one time i was in the same situation.  

  4. go to ur cousin's for an hour then go to practice?

  5. i would go to both

    i would go to cheerleading for 1 hour and tell the coach

    you have to go for a family event.

    and go to the party for 2.

    or just skip cheerleading sayin u felt ill.

    either way av a good time at the party.

  6. call your coach today and tell him that your cousin's birthday is tom. and it's important to you and your cousin that you attend,so you will be late for practice. they will most likely understand.

    go to the party........stay from about 5:00 to 6:15.

    bring your clothes for practice to the party and change into them

    go straight from the party to practice

    this is what i would do

    i hope i helped!

  7. Go to the party.

    "Coach, I won't be able to make a practice."

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